In this paper, we extend to non-connected, reductive groups over p-adic field of characteristic zero Harish-Chandra's theorem on the local integrability of characters.
Harish-Chandra's theorem states that the distribution character of an admissible, irreducible representation of a (connected) reductive p-adic group is locally integrable. We show that this extends to any reductive group; just as in the connected case, one even gets a very precise control over the singularities of the character along the singular elements.
As will be seen, the proof in the non-connected case is an easy extension of Harish-Chandra's. The reader may wonder why we have bothered to write its generalization completely. The reason is that the original article [8] does not contain proofs for the crucial lemmas, and this makes it impossible to explain why the theorem extends. Because this result is needed for work of Arthur and the author on base change, it has been thought necessary to give complete arguments.