Objective:The stria terminalis (ST) is a white matter tract with connections to limbic and autonomic brain structures that is implicated in affective functioning. Recent works suggests that ST functional integrity and connectivity is associated with faster responses to emotional cues (Dzafic et al., 2019) and may be influenced by environmental factors including socioeconomic status (SES) and childhood adversity (Banihashemi et al., 2020). The role of the ST in the experience of more daily affective experiences, such as depressive symptoms, remains unexplored. Therefore, the present study examined the role of the ST and SES, as assessed by household income, in the relationship between age and depressive symptoms in typically developing children and adolescents.
Participants and Methods:Participants include 64 typically developing children and adolescents age 8-21 (Mage=13.27, SD=3.15) who participated in an ongoing study of development of neurocognitive and social-cognitive skills. Participants completed imaging on a 3Tesla MR Siemens PRISMA scanner. Tractography was executed via ENIGMA tract-based spatial statistics to quantify WM integrity and provided values for mean fractional anisotropy (mFA) of the ST. Depressive symptoms were measured with the Behavior Assessment Scale for Children-Third Edition (BASC-3) parent report scale, and annual family income was obtained per parent report. Mediation and moderation analyses were conducted using Process version 4.1 (Hayes, 2022) in SPSS version 28. As depression symptoms are often higher in early adolescence than later, we examined the indirect effect of age on depressive symptoms through ST mFA and evaluated this relationship at different levels of family income.
Results:Age was associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms (b=-.98, t=-2.18, p<.05), whereas greater right ST mFA was associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms (b=42.05, t=2.50, p<.05). Right ST mFA explained significant variance in the relationship between age and parent-reported depression (ab=.13, 95% CI [.02, .29]). The conditional indirect effect of family income was significant for children with annual family incomes between 25-50k (effect=.16, 95% CI [.01, .38]) and 75-100k (effect=.13, 95% CI [.001, .31]), but not for 100k+ (effect=.11, 95% CI [-.05, .33]).
Conclusions:The present study revealed a significant, positive relationship between white matter integrity in the right ST and parent-reported depressive symptoms in healthy children and young adults. Finding extend on prior work implicating the ST in threat responsivity (Dzafic et al., 2019). Moreover,results suggest the role of the ST in the relationship between age and depression depends on level of family income, such that ST mFA explains more variance at lower income levels, and is no longer significant for children from families with income greater than 100k. These findings support the notion that environmental stressors (such as lower family income) may strengthen ST pathways via activity-dependent plasticity and repeated, coordinated activation (Rinaman et al., 2011). Future studies should examine these brain-behavior associations, as they may replicate in a larger sample, with more nuanced indicators of environmental stress.