Twenty t haplotypes were extracted from wild mice captured at several locations in Europe, Israel, North Africa, and South America. The haplotypes were designated tTuw1 through tTuw20. The H-2 haplotypes of the lines were defined using antisera and monoclonal antibodies specific for private antigenic determinants controlled by known H-2 alleles and by antisera produced using the new t lines as donors. The tTuw haplotypes fall into four groups according to the H-2 haplotype associated with them. Haplotypes tTuw10 through tTuw18 are associated with H-2W30, previously found to be linked with haplotypes of the tw1 group. Haplotypes tTuw1 through tTuw6 are associated with a new H-2 haplotype, H-2w36, characterized by the determinant H-2.107. Haplotypes tTuw7 through tTuw9 are associated with another new H-2 haplotype, H-2w37, characterized by determinants H-2.108 and H-2.111. And finally, haplotypes tTuw19 and tTuw20 are associated with yet another new H-2 haplotype, H-2w38, characterized by determinants H-2.33 and H-2.109. These findings suggest that the t polymorphism might be more extensive and more intricate than it was previously thought to be and that at least some of the t-associated H-2 haplotypes, and probably also the t haplotypes themselves, are related to one another in their origin.