Crotch, in his Check List of the Coleoptera, 1873, substitutes the name Pseudocistela Cr. for Cistela Fab. of the LeConte and Horn Classification. There seems to have been a doubt about Mulsant's genus Gonodera according to Leng, (Jour N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXVI, 209, 1918) who says “the genus Gonodera Muls. Col. Cr. Pectin, 1856, may cover our species and if so would antedate Crotch's name.” As we have not been able to see a specimen of the genus Gonodera, we are using the above name. Casey, (Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci., VI, 73, 1891), in his key, groups Pseudocistela with the genus Androchirus as having anterior tarsi “compressed and distorted” in the males. The genus Pseudocistela, however, does not (except brevis which has a slight distortion in the male) have the anterior tarsi compressed and distorted, but normal. Col. Casey's use of the word “distorted” instead of “deformed,” used by LeConte and Horn seems advisable.