Through significant and underscored omission, startling contradictions, heavily nuanced
conflict, through the way writers peopled their work with the signs and bodies of this
presence – one can see that a real or fabricated Africanist presence was crucial to their
sense of Americanness.Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination (New York:
Vintage Books, 1992), 6.
Two men wolf-whistle at Baby Doll during the play of the same name:
both of these men are positioned in the shadows. We see the one, Silva
Vacarro, skulking around the dilapidated Plantation house in ghostly
pursuit of Baby Doll, and the other as an anonymous male on Tiger Tail
Road, part of a group of “White an’ black mixed.”
Both of these men represent an encroaching dark threat to the sexual and property rights of
Archie Lee. It is no coincidence that Silva's forced intrusion into Archie's
house is mirrored by the sexual trespassing of the anonymous whistler,
and Archie himself challenges the invisible agitator: “trespass across my
property... [and] I'll blast... [you]... out of the Bayou with a shotgun...
Nobody's gonna insult no woman of mine!!” (BD, 74). Neither Archie nor
Baby Doll can see the identity of the invisible menacing man, and so the
threat from the shadows is communicated through implicit rather than
explicit dialogue. Interestingly, these shadows, hovering amidst the
domestic and sexual spaces, allegorize a deeper instability permeating
Southern discourse: that of the blurring of racial identities and the threat
of miscegenation.