Reynard has died. Reynard is risen! The Fox is foul, the Fox is base, But Reynard reigns!
He's reigned a long while in the realm, Galloping round on a free rein, Neck outstretched.
He was meant to have been strung up, That's what I’d heard – But not at all!
It won't take you long to realise: He's master of Lord Noble's wealth, Of all his domains –
Of pastureland and vineyards, too. In Constantinople itself Reynard's run riot
In every house, from roof to cellar: He hasn't left the Emperor Two turnips’ worth.
He's reduced him to a parlous state, Poor sinner: a fisherman in the deep's Not much worse off.
Bid us love Reynard? You’d need some gall! And bitter gall's all you’ll find in him:5 He's full of it.
And Reynard's spawned a teeming brood: His kind, his progeny's everywhere In this land of ours.
Reynard could easily spark discord That would bring suffering, misery Far and wide.
Lord Noble the lion has come to believe His well-being depends on Reynard, Body and soul!6
Far from it! He’d do better to look to God! I rather fear it's going to bring him Shame and woe!
If only Noble could see where things were heading, And realise what the word is On the street:
How he's the butt and talking-point Of every gossiping gaggle7 In tens and scores,
All of them saying no noble heart Would ever carry on like this And never has!
He’d do well to remember Darius, And how his people had him bumped off For his avarice.
When I hear that foul vice spoken of, In faith, my hair all over bristles With rage and revulsion,
So angry that I’m lost for words, Seeing kingdom and Empire in the same boat, Going to pot.
Well, how does it look to you? What do you say When Lord Noble gives the cold shoulder To all his beasts?
They can't so much as show their face On any high days and holy days At court –
And he has no reason, none at all, Except his dread that feasts Will cost him cash!
I hope whoever's behind all this Doesn't get a chance to make it the norm – Or get to see the year out!
What a foul stew he's concocted! It was cooked up by Roenel the dog10 Along with Reynard.