The Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory is a third-generation synchrotron x-ray source, optimized for producing x-rays from undulators. Such undulator sources provide extremely bright, quasi-monochromatic radiation which is ideal for an x-ray microprobe. Such microprobes can be used for trace element quantification with x-ray fluorescence, or for chemical state determination with x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The GeoSoilEnviroCARS (GSECARS) sector at the APS is building an x-ray microprobe for research in earth, planetary, soil and environmental sciences.
The GSECARS undulator source is a standard APS Undulator “A” which is a 3.3 cm period device with 72 periods. The energies of the undulator peaks can be varied by adjusting the gap, and hence the magnetic field of the undulator. The energy of the first harmonic can be varied in this way from approximately 3.1 keV to 14 keV. A measured undulator spectrum is shown in Figure 1.