The assumptions of this article are embedded in the interpretative qualitative research paradigm, while the information that is reported is a qualitative exploration of the issues addressed. The theoretical framework considerations include: the problem of autism, how autism is recognized according to DSM-5 criteria and neo-cognitive assumptions, and the problem of resilience as it is identified in overcoming existential difficulties. These difficulties include the determination to cope with problems, endurance, well-developed adaptability, as well as the issues related to the needs and the social functioning abilities of autistic individuals.
The aim of this research is to determine the cognitive, cultural and family variables involved in the social interactions of high-functioning autistic adults as related to their quality of life. As well as, to identify resilience abilities that are utilized in the social functioning of ASD adults.
A detailed analysis of the narratives collected from high-functioning autistic adults indicate that: durability and a wide range of support from parents and loved ones, when given to high-functioning autistic individuals in childhood and adolescence, in addition to developing their personal interests, contribute to the experiences of well-being and a sense of a better quality of life in ASD adults; adequacy of the respondents aspirations in relation to their objective assessment of possibilities is largely related to the degree of the respondents becoming aware of their personal cognitive potential and possible talents, as well as limitations resulting from the fact of experiencing (in varying degrees) their ASD symptoms; awareness of personal resources and limitations generally favors a stronger determination of the respondents in making efforts to achieve a sense of personal well-being and self-efficacy.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, resilience, quality of life, needs of individuals with ASD
Odporność psychiczna, funkcjonowanie społeczne oraz jakość życia w narracjach dorosłych wysokofunkcjonujących osób z autyzmem Streszczenie
Założenia badawcze artykułu osadzone w paradygmacie interpretatywnym (badań jakościowych), a relacjonowane w nim badania miały charakter jakościowej eksploracji problematyki. Ramy teoretyczne rozważań stanowią: problematyka autyzmu, ujmowanego wedle kryteriów DSM-5 i założeń neuropoznawczych, zagadnienie resilience utożsamiane ze zdolnością do pokonywania trudności egzystencjalnych, a wyrażające się w: indywidualnej determinacji do zmagania się z trudnościami, wytrzymałości, dobrze rozwiniętej zdolności przystosowania się, a także problematyka potrzeb i funkcjonowania społecznego osób z autyzmem.