OBJECTIVES/GOALS: Our objective is to develop a Telenephrology dashboard for the 150,000 Veterans that obtain care through the Iowa City Veterans Affairs Health Care System. Our goal is to create a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for monitoring kidney health and facilitating remote nephrology consultations. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: We structured our intervention according to the five stages of human-centered design: (1) Empathize, (2) Define, (3) Ideate, (4) Prototype and (5) Test. During the empathy stage, the principal investigator spent 10 hours immersed in the clinical setting observing how nephrologists approach a remote nephrology consultation. These observations were augmented by unstructured interviews with clinicians and patients to better understand the process and dynamics. Following this, a rapid ideation workshop was convened to generate creative solutions that balance technical requirements with the needs of clinicians and patients. These led to rapid prototyping and testing to identify what elements of the prototypes worked and which needed improvement. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: Through the empathy and define stages, three needs were identified: (1) clarity in visualizing data, (2) accuracy of information, and (3) balancing standardization with individualization. During the rapid ideation workshop, the concept of a four-frame dashboard was settled upon. This led to the creation of five prototypes, which were tested. These were reconciled and modified to make a final product. This final product, the Telenephrology Dashboard, contains 5 elements that support nephrologists and supporting staff: (1) a graph of kidney function over time, (2) tables synthesizing lab data, (3) options to drill down events to specific times, (4) customization of views, and (5) integration of kidney disease progression models. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE: A Telenephrology dashboard was created to facilitate remote nephrology consultations through a Human-Centered Design process. Our next steps include determining if this dashboard may improve end-user satisfaction, referring clinician satisfaction, access to specialist care, and patient outcomes.