It is shown that each finite translation generalized quadrangle (TGQ) $\mathcal{S}$, which is the translation dual of the point-line dual of a flock generalized quadrangle, has a line $[\infty]$ each point of which is a translation point. This leads to the fact that the full group of automorphisms of $\mathcal{S}$ acts $2$-transitively on the points of $[\infty]$, and the observation applies to the point-line duals of the Kantor flock generalized quadrangles, the Roman generalized quadrangles and the recently discovered Penttila-Williams generalized quadrangle. Moreover, by previous work of the author, the non-classical generalized quadrangles (GQ's) which have two distinct translation points, are precisely the TGQ's of which the translation dual is the point-line dual of a non-classical flock GQ.
We emphasize that, for a long time, it has been thought that every non-classical TGQ which is the translation dual of the point-line dual of a flock GQ has only one translation point. There are important consequences for the theory of generalized ovoids (or eggs) in PG$(4n - 1,q)$, the study of span-symmetric generalized quadrangles, derivation of flocks of the quadratic cone in PG$(3,q)$, subtended ovoids in generalized quadrangles, and the understanding of automorphism groups of certain generalized quadrangles. Several problems on these topics will be solved completely.