Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder in which, it is claimed,
language abilities are relatively strong despite mild to moderate mental
retardation. Such claims have, in turn, been interpreted as evidence
either for modular preservation of language or for atypical constraints on
cognitive development. However, this review demonstrates that there is, in
fact, little evidence that syntax, morphology, phonology, or pragmatics
are any better than predicted by nonverbal ability, although performance
on receptive vocabulary tests is relatively good. Similarly, claims of an
imbalance between good phonology and impaired or atypical lexical
semantics are without strong support. There is, nevertheless, consistent
evidence for specific deficits in spatial language that mirror
difficulties in nonverbal spatial cognition, as well as some tentative
evidence that early language acquisition proceeds atypically. Implications
for modular and neuroconstructivist accounts of language development are
discussed.The preparation of this paper was
supported by the Williams Syndrome Foundation (United Kingdom) and the
Medical Research Council. I thank Courtenay Norbury and Kate Nation for
comments on the manuscript and Chris Jarrold, Jill Boucher, and Teresa
McCormack for many useful discussions.