A program of simultaneous observation of meteors was organized in the period between August 25 and September 3, 1962 at the Ondřejov Observatory. Experienced amateur astronomers, 37 in number, took part in the visual and telescopic observation of meteors according to the following scheme: four visual observers surveyed an area, the centre of which coincided with the axis of the antenna diagram of the Ondřejov meteor radar: elevation 45°, south azimuth. 24 observers used 10 × 80 binoculars with a field of view of 7·3° diameter and kept under control three zones in the altitudes of 30°, 45°, and 60° above the horizon. In each zone, there were four azimuths of the centres of the fields of view, namely 349·5°, 356·5°, 3·5° and 10·5°; each of these areas being observed by two observers. All standard data of meteor statistics were recorded. Time recording was doubled: recorders read the time indicated by light signals on a chronometer, and independently the time was indicated on a film moving in synchronization with the radar recording film. Thus an accuracy in time recording of ±0·5 sec was guaranteed. Unfortunately, the motor of the time camera sometimes caused interference of variable intensity unfavourably affecting the radar data, particularly the radar hourly rates.