Generally speaking, adpositional phrases resist modification with the exception of the spatial and temporal ones. So, whereas the non-spatial/temporal adpositional phrase in (1a) cannot be modified, the spatial and temporal adpositional phrases in (1b&c) can.
(1) a. Vanwege de vakantie is de bibliotheek gesloten.
because.of the vacation is the library closed
‘The library is closed because of the vacation.’
b. (Vlak) voor de deur stond een grote lamp.
just in.front.of the door stood a big lamp
‘A big lamp stood just in front of the table.’
c. (Vlak) voor zijn vakantie moest hij plotseling naar het ziekenhuis.
just before his vacation had he suddenly to the hospital
‘Just before his vacation he suddenly had to go to the hospital.’
Note, however, that this does not hold for focus particles like alleen ‘only’ and juist ‘especially’ in (2a&b), nor for pas ‘only’ in (2c), which can also be used to modify non-temporal/spatial PPs. We will not discuss this in the present chapter because these particles can be construed with all lexical categories (see Barbiers 1995:ch.3), and thus deserve a discussion in their own right.
(2) a. Alleen vanwege de sneeuw blijf ik niet thuis.
only because.of the snow stay I not home
‘I won't stay at home just because of the snow.’
b. Juist vanwege de sneeuw wil ik wandelen.
especially because.of the snow want I walk
‘It is precisely because of the snow, that I want to make a stroll.’
c. Pas na de vakantie heb ik weer tijd.
only after the vacation have I again time
‘I only have time after the holiday.’
Section 3.1 discusses modification of spatial adpositional phrases and will show that the hypothesis that spatial adpositions denote a set of vectors is very helpful in describing the modification possibilities. Section 3.2 will show that the description of the modification possibilities of the spatial adpositional phrases can be straightforwardly extended to the temporal ones. Section 3.3 concludes by discussing the rare cases of non-spatial/temporal adpositional phrases that may undergo modification.
Spatial adpositional phrases
This section is concerned with modification of spatial adpositional phrases. It will be shown that the hypothesis that spatial adpositions denote sets of vectors is very helpful in describing the modification possibilities. For an extensive discussion of the vector hypothesis, we refer the reader to Section