We have developed a new Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA), JXA-8100/8200, with improved basic capabilities such as X-ray intensities of wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS), imaging functions, automated functions and analysis software. Fig. 1 shows the appearance of JXA-8200, WD/ED combined microanalyzer. in this session, we report mainly on the improved imaging functions, automated functions and analysis software.
The JXA-8100/8200 is the first EPMA in the world to feature 1280 x 1024 pixels high resolution live scanning image display. Regarding scanning image, two or four different signal live images, of course including X-ray images, can be displayed simultaneously. Further, image mixing is also possible to display. On the high resolution image, an operator can choose the probe position or the stage position by mouse clicking. The stage position can also be chosen on the optical microscope (OM) live image. Another new “Swing Mouse” function, which is the seamless movement of mouse pointer between the scanning image display and the computer display, has been developed.
Advanced automated functions, such as autofocus, auto astigmatism and auto contrast brightness, are effective to optimize the scanning image.