This appendix is organized in three sections. In the first section, I have listed in alphabetical order the fortifications that can be identified in royal possession on the basis of attestations in written sources produced during the reigns of Henry I and Otto I. In the second section, I have listed alphabetically the fortifications that are attested in documents after Otto I's reign that meet the following criteria. The fortifications were located in regions that were either held or conquered by Henry I or Otto I, and in regions that remained under royal control up through the twelfth century. In the third section, I have listed alphabetically those fortifications that do not appear in the written record from the tenth to the twelfth century, but which have been identified by scholars as either German, or specifically Ottonian fortified centers, dating to the tenth century in regions that were conquered by Henry I or Otto I. Place-names are all given in their standard German forms, where these are known. Otherwise, they are listed as they appear in contemporary documents.
Part I: Written attestations of fortifications in the possession of Henry I or Otto I in the period 919–973
Fortification total = 57
Allstedt (DO I, §5); Beneduces (DO I, §209); Biederitz (DO I, 1§05); Brandenburg (DO I, §105); Buckau (DO I, §14); Burg (DO I, §105); Calbe (DO III, §118); Chur (DO I, §191); Dahlum (DO I, §5); Debrogora (DO I, §152); Deventer (DO I, §152); Dornburg (DO I, §18); Drübeck (DO I, §56); Duisburg (DO I, §66) Eilenburg (DO I, §231); Elten (DO I, §358) Frohse (DO I, §14); Gebiechenstein (DO I, §232); Gommern (DO I, §105); Grabo (DO I, §105); Grodista (DO I, §152); Grone (DO I, §16); Halle (DO I, §231); Havelberg (DO I, §76); Kirchberg (DO I, §18); Krapfeld (DO I, §171); Landsberg (DO I, §231); Laublingen (DO I, §231); Leibnitz (DO I, §389); Löbejün (DO I, §231); Lobodunburg (DO I, §161); Loburg (DO I, §293); Lostau (DO II, §30); Magdeburg (DO I, §14); Memleben (DO I, §48); Merseburg (DO I, §1); Möckern (DO I, §105); Nitzow (DO I, §76); Pechau ( DO I, §105); Plot (DO I, §76); Pochlustim (DO I, §76); Pritzerbe (DO I, §105); Roseburg (DO I, §278); Rothenburg (DO I, §230); Saalfeld (DO I, §49); Schartau (DO I, §105); Spielberg (DO I, §172); Suib (DO I, §389);