We perform a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of interacting Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities (KHI) that arise at a stratified shear layer where KH billow cores are misaligned or exhibit varying phases along their axes. Significant evidence of these dynamics in early laboratory shear-flow studies by Thorpe (Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., vol. 34, 1985, pp. 175–199) and Thorpe (J. Geophys. Res., vol. 92, 1987, pp. 5231–5248), in observations of KH billow misalignments in tropospheric clouds (Thorpe, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., vol. 128, 2002, pp. 1529–1542) and in recent direct observations of such events in airglow and polar mesospheric cloud imaging in the upper mesosphere reveals that these dynamics are common. More importantly, the laboratory and mesospheric observations suggest that these dynamics lead to more rapid and more intense instabilities and turbulence than secondary convective instabilities in billow cores and secondary KHI in stratified braids between and around adjacent billows. To date, however, no simulations exploring the dynamics and energetics of interacting KH billows (apart from pairing) have been performed. Our DNS performed for Richardson number $Ri=0.10$ and Reynolds number $Re=5000$ demonstrates that KHI tubes and knots (i) comprise strong and complex vortex interactions accompanying misaligned KH billows, (ii) accelerate the transition to turbulence relative to secondary instabilities of individual KH billows, (iii) yield significantly stronger turbulence than secondary KHI in billow braids and secondary convective instabilities in KHI billow cores and (iv) expand the suite of secondary instabilities previously recognized to contribute to KHI dynamics and breakdown to turbulence in realistic geophysical environments.