The temperature dependence of the viscosity of heavy metal fluoride glasses is important for determining processing temperatures for procedures such as fiber drawing and in understanding crystallization behavior in these systems. Viscosity data in the glass transition region and in the liquid region have been measured by several different laboratories for ZBLA (58 ZrF4-33 BaF2-5 LaF3-4 AlF3) and ZBLAN viscosity-temperature curves for these two compositions are highly non-Arrhenius in nature, and cannot be described by the Fulcher equation; however the Cohen-Crest equation fits the data very well. On a reduced temperature scale (Tg/T), the viscosity curves nearly coincide, suggesting the possibility of a master viscosity equation for fluorozicronate glasses. Crystallization temperatures for these compositions have been measured by differential scanning calorimetry. On reheating, the first crystallization product for both compositions is a barium fluorozicronate phase. However, ZBLAN glass does not crystallize until a much lower viscosity is reached, compared to ZBLA. These results indicate that the devitrification behavior for ZBLAN is due to additional entropy of mixing from the addition of NaF.