The self-authorship theory merges the problem of changes of man`s personality with the issues of cultural patterns and social conditions. Self-authorship covers an organized set of dispositions which enable a person to find himself in contemporary culture, facilitate him to achieve a state of willful subjectivity, to take full advantage of autonomy given to him. Education can assist (or not) a person in finding such capabilities, thanks to which he will be able to consciously direct his attitudes towards himself and the world. Montessori`s educational method is treated a kind of help for a person in developing his individual life potential in the direction of gaining independence. So, the research question was set: What are affective meanings of school as well as general and ideal experiences of graduates of Montessori classes, regarded as the prospect of supporting the self-authorship development? The questionnaire Self-Reflection on Education in the Montessori System prepared by the author based on H. Hermans's Self- Confrontation Method, was used for assessment of emotional meanings of school experiences. The research covered 69 graduates of Maria Montessori Primary School No. 27 in Lublin. The analysis of the obtained results confirms, that the affective climate of the Montessori learning environment proves that the school space was an area of self-affirmation of the respondents. The Montessori prepared environment enabled respondents to fulfill their aspirations and desires, to engage in cooperation with others. It provided a relative balance of stimuli stimulating the child to competition and cooperation, and at the same time to self-enhancement and contact with others in the studied graduates of Montessori classes.
Keywords: self-authorship theory, Montessori learning environment
Środowisko edukacyjne Montessori jako kontekst przebudzenia osobowości autorskiej Streszczenie
Teoria osobowości autorskiej łączy problem przemian osobowości człowieka z kwestiami przeobrażeń wzorców kulturowych i warunków społecznych. Osobowość autorską kreuje uporządkowany zestaw dyspozycji, które umożliwiają osobie odnalezienie się we współczesnej kulturze, ułatwiają osiągnięcie stanu świadomej podmiotowości, pełne korzystanie z przysługującej mu autonomii. Edukacja może pomóc (lub nie) osobie w znalezieniu takich możliwości, dzięki czemu będzie w stanie świadomie ukierunkować swoje postawy wobec siebie i świata. Pedagogika Montessori traktowana jest jako rodzaj pomocy udzielanej osobie w rozwijaniu jej indywidualnego potencjału życiowego, w kierunku zyskania niezależności.