The dynamics of Na0.5Li0.5PO3 (Tg = 515 K, Tm = 749 K) a non fragile glass forming liquid has been investigated over a large temperature range (300 − 1000 K.) and in a wide energy window using various experimental techniques. The susceptibility spectra obtained by coherent neutron scattering and depolarized light scattering between 1 and 104 GHz show mainly two contributions: a low frequency vibrational peak, the so-called Boson peak and a quasielastic component, referred to the βfast process in the mode coupling theory (MCT).
The data are discussed in relation to the mode coupling theory for the liquid glass transition. In particular, the temperature evolution of the susceptibility height in the βfast region is compatible with a crossover temperature Tc ∼ 620 K which is also deduced from a power law temperature dependence of the structural relaxation timescale. As a secondary βslow process, observed by 31P NMR, decouples from the structural relaxation timescale also below 600 K, a real change in the dynamics seems to occur around Tc ∼ 620 K = 1.2 Tg in this non fragile glass Conning liquid.