The IAU Meteor Data Centre (MDC), maintained at Lund, Sweden, under the direction of Bertil Lindblad, remains a valuable resource for the meteor community. Commission 22 currently has representatives on two inter-commission Working Groups, The Prevention of Interplanetary Pollution (Chair C. S. L. Keay of Commission 22) and Near-Earth Objects (IAU C22 representative I.P. Williams). The Commission has one Working Group of its own, Amateur-Professional Co-operation in Meteors, consisting of P. Jenniskens (Chair), H. Betlem, N. Bone, P. Brown, T. Cooper, I. Hasegawa, R. Hawkes, G. Klar-Renner, V. Porubčan, J. Rendtel, J. Richardson, T. Yoshida. Meetings of the working group were held in Japan in Aug 1997 and in Ithaca, NY in Jul 1999, and circulated periodic electronic newsletters. The working group helped establish professional-amateur collaborations during the Leonid campaigns of November 1998 and 1999, facilitated amateur participation in NASA’s Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign, and encouraged publication of amateur observations. The IAU Commission 22 www site has the following new location: