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From the 2016 volume onwards, Studies in Church History (SCH) is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Ecclesiastical History Society. This change of publisher brings with it a change in format for the series, which is now sold as a subscription journal.

Whilst the format of the print volume is unchanged, and so too the editorial policies and academic scope of the series, this new model of publication offers additional opportunities to maximise each volume's accessibility, discoverability and impact for authors and readers.


The model also allows the Ecclesiastical History Society, together with the Press, to offer librarians a variety of important services that have not been available hitherto:

  • Institution-wide online access. The series now publishes simultaneously online and in print. Multi-user online access to all volumes is included as part of all institutional subscriptions.
  • Integration with library discovery services. The series is included in the link resolver databases of all major discovery service providers – including OCLC (WorldCat), ProQuest Serials Solutions (Summon), Ex Libris (SFX, Primo) and EBSCO – to support local library catalogues. SCH is also included in our KBART title list.
  • COUNTER compliant reporting. Subscribers are able to review usage of the series through all of the standard COUNTER reports to understand patron engagement and judge future renewal decisions.
  • The prospect of hybrid open access savings. Authors now have a variety of Open Access choices. Cambridge is committed, through its established 'double-dipping' policy, to reduce subscription prices in line with take-up of Open Access options by authors in order to pass savings on to libraries.

Subscriptions and access

We recognise that global library budgets are restricted and have accordingly made every effort to keep subscription prices low, much lower than comparable journals, whilst enough to support the series' high editorial and production standards. Bundled print and online as well as online-only subscription options are available. In either case, online access back to 2010 is included to supplement the historic print volumes the institution may have already purchased. Any institution seeking a subscription may purchase by contacting the Press directly or through their usual subscription agents.

There is a substantial discount for current subscribers to The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, also published by Cambridge.

Contact Cambridge University Press

UK/Europe, / +44(0)1223 326085

North America, / +1 800-872-7423


Individuals wishing to purchase the forthcoming volume of Studies in Church History may do so by taking out an annual subscription. Subscribers will receive the volume on the date of publication and online access to all volumes dating back to 2010 for the duration of the calendar year. To purchase, please contact Cambridge University Press.

UK/Europe, / +44(0)1223 326085

North America, / +1 800-872-7423


Individual members of the Ecclesiastical History Society may purchase print and online access to Studies in Church History at a substantially discounted rate through the Society. To see membership options visit