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Call for Editors


The Editorial Selection Committee empowered by the Women and Politics Research Section will evaluate proposals based on four key criteria:

1. Comprehensive vision for the journal. Proposals should spell out a clear and compelling vision for the journal that will help the selection committee – and eventually, readers and potential authors – understand the intended contributions of this journal to scholarship, and how the editors will continue Politics & Gender’s record of excellence and centrality in advancing research on gender, women, and politics. Proposals might include assessment of the journal’s current strengths and weaknesses, suggesting major lines of continuity and change through the next administration.

2. Demonstrated breadth and balance in the subfield. It is essential that the journal, and therefore the editorial team, represent breadth and balance of areas and approaches in the broad interdisciplinary field of gender and politics. The proposed editorial team as a whole should individually and collectively demonstrate a record of breadth of scholarly interest and positions, especially across the major subfields of political science. The committee also hopes to see evidence of methodological pluralism and interdisciplinary work, sustained intellectual balance and judiciousness, and an active interest in tolerating and learning from approaches different from their own. Preference will be given to proposals of editorial teams or boards that are international in membership.

3. Editorial and administrative experience. Members of the editorial team should be familiar with the highest standards of scholarly assessment and publication, whether as authors of refereed journals and books, as scholarly journal and book editors, and/or as members of university press editorial boards. The managing editor, especially, should have administrative experience that demonstrates appropriate levels of management, organizational, and communication skills.

4. Effective organizational plans and financial/institutional support. Submissions should provide logistical information and clear lines of administrative responsibility and coordination, showing how the proposed team is planning to handle and divide up the varied managerial demands of editorial work. Submissions should indicate where the editorial office will be located and describe the facilities and staffing that will be available. Submissions should also include a proposed budget that specifies how the Cambridge University Press subsidy of US $15,500 per annum will be allocated, and the contributions from the editors’ home institutions (which may include things like faculty release time, graduate or undergraduate student assistance, office staff personnel support, editorial team office space, or other contributions). Currently, the journal receives about 200 manuscripts per year, a number that has increased 60% over the past two years. Applicants should seek resources that can accommodate this and should anticipate an increasing volume of future submissions.