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Editors' Choice Articles

The Editors have selected their choice articles from those published in Political Analysis . These represent papers that the Editors see as providing an especially significant contribution to political methodology. The Editors' Choice Articles are freely available online to read.

Birds of the Same Feather Tweet Together: Bayesian Ideal Point Estimation Using Twitter Data
Pablo Barberá, Volume 23, Issue 1

Causal Inference in Conjoint Analysis: Understanding Multidimensional Choices via Stated Preference Experiments
Jens Hainmueller, Daniel J. Hopkins, and Teppei Yamamoto, Volume 22, Issue 1

Text as Data: The Promise and Pitfalls of Automatic Content Analysis Methods for Political Texts
Justin Grimmer and Brandon M. Stewart, Volume 21, Issue 3

Evaluating Online Labor Markets for Experimental Research:’s Mechanical Turk
Adam J. Berinsky, Gregory A. Huber, and Gabriel S. Lenz, Volume 20, Issue 3

Elections and the Regression Discontinuity Design: Lessons from Close U.S. House Races, 1942–2008
Devin Caughey and Jasjeet S. Sekhon, Volume 19, issue 4

Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects from Randomized Experiments, with Application to the Optimal Planning of the Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign
Kosuke Imai and Aaron Strauss, Volume 19, Issue 1