03–1Abrams, Zsuzsanna I. (U. of Texas at Austin, USA). Surfing to cross-cultural awareness: Using Internet-mediated projects to explore cultural stereotypes. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 2 (2002), 141–60.
03–2Adami, Hervé (Université Nancy 2, France). L'oralité et la métalangue dans les rapports au langage des scripteurs/lecteurs en insécurité à l'écrit. [Spoken language and metalanguage as influences on the attitudes of unskilled readers and writers to written language.] Mélanges CRAPEL (Nancy, France), 26 (2001), 7–37.
03–3Allum, Paul (Rikkyo U., Tokyo, Japan; Email: pallum@gol.com). CALL and the classroom: The case for comparative research. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 146–66.
03–4Ayres, Robert (UNITEC, Auckland, New Zealand; Email: rayres@unitec.ac.nz). Learner attitudes towards the use of CALL. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 3 (2002), 241–49.
03–5Becker, Claudia A. (Loyola U., Chicago, USA). Turning ‘a rough journey’ into a smoother crossing of borders: Insights into the world of female international interns in the German-speaking workplace. Journal of Language for International Business (Glendale, AZ, USA), 13, 1/2 (2002), 22–42.
03–6Beckett, Gulbahar H. (U. of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA). Teacher and student evaluations of project-based instruction. TESL Canada Journal/La Revue TESL du Canada (Burnaby, BC, Canada), 19, 2 (2001), 52–66.
03–7Biber, Douglas and Reppen, Randi (Northern Arizona U., USA; Email: douglas.biber@nau.edu). What does frequency have to do with grammar teaching? Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 24, 2 (2002), 199–208.
03–8Black, Paul and Goebel, Zane (Northern Territory U., Australia; Email: pblack@darwin.ntu.edu.au). Multiliteracies in the teaching of Indonesian. Babel (AFMLTA) (N. Adelaide, Australia), 37, 1 (2002), 22–38.
03–9Boldt, R. F. (Educational Testing Service, USA; Email: rboldt@ets.org) and Ross, S. J. Language programme meta-analysis: Assessing corporate programmes in Korean and Japanese companies. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 353–71.
03–10Boulon, Joline (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France; Email: boulon@univ-lyon1.fr). Narcy's learning stages as the base for creating multimedia modules for L2 acquisition. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 109–19.
03–11Bueno, Kathleen A. (Southern Illinois U.-Edwardsville, USA). Creating community and making connections in the third-year Spanish course: A content-based approach. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 3 (2002), 333–42.
03–12Callahan, Philip (U. of Arizona, USA; Email: pec@u.arizona.edu) and Shaver, Peter. Formative considerations using integrative CALL. Applied Language Learning (Presidio of Monterey, CA, USA), 12, 2 (2001), 147–60.
03–13Chateau, Anne and Georges, Lucy (CRELENS [Centre de Ressources pour l'Enseignment des Langues Etrangères aux Non-Spécialistes]. Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France). La Recherche-Action: un moteur d'innovations pédagogiques? Analyse d'un cas concret. [Action Research: A driving force behind pedagogical innovation? A case study.] Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT (Grenoble, France), 21, 3 (2002) 66–79.
03–14Cullen, Richard (Canterbury Christ Church U. Coll., UK; Email: rmc1@can.ac.uk). Supportive teacher talk: The importance of the F-move. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 117–27.
03–15de Courcy, Michèle (La Trobe U., Australia; Email: m.decourcy@latrobe.edu.au), Warren, Jane and Burston, Monique. Children from diverse backgrounds in an immersion programme. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK), 16, 2 (2002), 112–27.
03–16Felix, Uschi (Monash U., Australia; Email: uschi.felix@arts.monash.edu.au). The Web as a vehicle for constructivist approaches in language teaching. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 2–15.
03–17Fischer, Dore (Dublin Inst. of Technology, Ireland). Irish images of Germany: Using literary texts in intercultural learning. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 14, 3 (2001), 224–34.
03–18Fukushima, Tatsuya (U. of Arkansas, USA). Promotional video production in a foreign language course. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 3 (2002), 349–55.
03–19Gallien, Chloé (Université Nancy 2, France). Documents d'écoute et débutants: compte rendu d'une étude empirique. [Listening materials and beginners: Account of an empirical study.] Mélanges CRAPEL (Nancy, France), 26 (2001), 91–110.
03–20Ghosn, lrma K. (Lebanese American U., Byblos, Lebanon; Email: ighosn@byblos.lau.edu.lb). Four good reasons to use literature in primary school ELT. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 172–79.
03–21Gil, Gloria (Universidade Federale de Santa Caterina, Brazil). Two complementary modes of foreign language classroom interaction. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK) 56, 3 (2002), 273–79.
03–22Gillespie, John H. and Barr, J. David (U. of Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK; Email: J.Gillespie@ulster.ac.uk). Resistance, reluctance and radicalism: A study of staff reaction to the adoption of CALL/C&IT in modern languages departments. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 120–32.
03–23Gimeno-Sanz, Ana (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain; Email: agimeno@idm.upv.es). E-language learning for the airline industry. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 47–57.
03–24Guest, Michael (Miyazaki Medical Coll., Japan; Email: michael@post.miyazaki-med.ac.jp). A critical ‘checkbook’; for culture teaching and learning. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 154–61.
03–25Guichon, Nicolas and Penso, Anne
(IUT2 de Grenoble, France). Vers une appropriation
des outils multimédias. [Towards ownership of
educational technology.] Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT
(Grenoble, France), 21, 3 (2002) 90.
03–26Hémard, Dominique and Cushion, Steve (London Guildhall U., UK; Email: hemard@lgu.ac.uk). Sound authoring on the Web: Meeting the users' needs. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 3 (2002), 281–94.
03–27Henry, George and Zerwekh, Robert (Northern Illinois U., USA; Emails: henry@cs.nie.edu; zerwekh@cs.nie.edu). SEAsite: Web-based interactive learning resources for Southeast Asian languages and cultures. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 499–512.
03–28Hoare, Philip and Kong, Stella (Hong Kong Inst. of Education). A framework of attributes for English immersion teachers in Hong Kong and implications for immersion teacher education. Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education (Hong Kong), 4, 2 (2001), 79–106.
03–29Houser, Chris (Kinjo Gakuin U., Japan; Email: chris@houser.cc), Yokoi, Shigeki and Yasuda, Takami. Computer assistance for reading and writing Japanese as a foreign language. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 541–49.
03–30Hsu, Hui-Mei and Gao, Liwei (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Emails: hsu3@uiuc.edu; liweigao@uiuc.edu). Computer-mediated materials for Chinese character learning. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 533–36.
03–31Hu, Guangwei (Nat. Inst. of Ed., Nanyang Technological U., Singapore; Email: gwhu@nie.edu.sg). Recent important developments in secondary English-language teaching in the People's Republic of China. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 15, 1 (2002), 30–49.
03–32Hudson, James M. and Bruckman, Amy S. (Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA; Email: jhudson@cc.gatech.edu). IRC Français: The creation of an Internet-based SLA community. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 2 (2002), 109–34.
03–33Itoh, Reiko (DePauw U., Greencastle, IN, USA; Email: ritoh@depauw.edu) and Hannon, Charles. The effect of online quizzes on learning Japanese. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 551–61.
03–34Julé, Allyson (Trinity Western U., Burnaby, BC, Canada). Speaking their sex: A study of gender and linguistic space in an ESL classroom. TESL Canada Journal/La Revue TESL du Canada (Burnaby, BC, Canada), 19, 2 (2001), 37–51.
03–35Kabata, Kaori (U. of Alberta, Canada; Email: kkabata@ualberta.ca) and Yang, X. Jie. Developing multimedia lesson modules for intermediate Japanese. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 563–70.
03–36Khuwaileh, Abdullah A. (Jordan U. of Science & Technology). English private tutoring: A case study of a new phenomenon in the north of Jordan at the university level. Journal of Language for International Business (Glendale, AZ, USA), 13, 1/2 (2002), 72–83.
03–37Kinginger, Celeste (Pennsylvania State U., USA). Defining the Zone of Proximal Development in US foreign language education. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 23, 2 (2002), 240–56.
03–38Knoerr, Hélène (Université d'Ottawa, Canada). Recherche-action dans l'université du 3ème millénaire. 2001: l'odyssée de la classe? [Action research in the university of the third millenium. 2001: A class odyssey?] Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT (Grenoble, France), 21, 2 (2001), 24–39.
03–39Koester, Almut Josepha (U. of Birmingham, UK; Email: a.j.koester@bham.ac.uk). The performance of speech acts in workplace conversations and the teaching of communicative functions. System (Oxford, UK), 30, 2 (2002), 167–84.
03–40Lam, Yvonne (U. of Toronto, Canada; Email: ylam@chass.utoronto.ca) and Lawrence, Geoff. Teacher-student role redefinition during a computer-based second language project: Are computers catalysts for empowering change? Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 3 (2002), 295–315.
03–41Lee, Jackie F. K. (Hong Kong Baptist U.). Attitudes towards debatable usages among English language teachers and students. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics (Hong Kong), 6, 2 (2001), 1–21.
03–42Lee, Jackie F. K. (Hong Kong Baptist U.). Teachers' attitudes towards disputable usages. RELC Journal (Singapore), 32, 2 (2001), 1–15.
03–43Lee, Kang-Sub (Chungju National U. of Ed., Chungbuk, Korea; Email: whatsup1@cje.ac.kr). The renaissance in formal grammar instruction and grammar consciousness-raising tasks. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 215–38.
03–44Lefkowitz, Natalie (Central Washington U., USA) and Hedgcock, John (Monterey Inst. of Internat. Studies, USA; Email: john.hedgcock@miis.edu). Sound barriers: Influences of social prestige, peer pressure and teacher (dis)approval on FL oral performance. Language Teaching Research (London, UK), 6, 3 (2002), 223–44.
03–45Levy, Mike (Griffith U., Queensland, Australia; Email: michael.levy@mailbox.gu.edu.au). CALL by design: Discourse, products and processes. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 58–84.
03–46Lewis, Marilyn (U. of Auckland, New Zealand; Email: mn.lewis@auckland.ac.nz) and McCook, Fiona. Cultures of teaching: Voices from Vietnam. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 146–53.
03–47Li, Defeng (City U. of Hong Kong; Email: defeng@cuhk.edu.hk). Language teaching in translator training. Babel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 47, 4 (2001), 343–54.
03–48Liu, Jun (U. of Arizona, USA). Negotiating silence in American classrooms: Three Chinese cases. Language and Intercultural Communication (Clevedon, UK), 2, 1 (2002), 37–54.
03–49Lu, Dan (Hong Kong Baptist U.). Cultural features in speech acts: A Sino-American comparison. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 14, 3 (2001), 214–23.
03–50Luk, Jasmine (Hong Kong Inst. of Education). Exploring the sociocultural implications of the native English-speaker teacher scheme in Hong Kong through the eyes of the students. Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education (Hong Kong), 4, 2 (2001), 19–49.
03–51Luo, Jing (Bloomsburg U., Pennsylvania, USA; Email: luo@bloomu.edu). Introducing two Chinese/Japanese/Korean (CJK) web utilities. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 537–39.
03–52Machovikov, Alexei, Stolyarov, Kirill, Chernov, Maxim, Sinclair, Ian and Machovikova, Iliana (Telum Inc., Russia; Emails: abm@telumintl.com; abm@unitel.spb.ru). Computer-based training system for Russian word pronunciation. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 2 (2002), 201–14.
03–53McBride, Nicole (U. of North London, UK; Email: n.mcbride@unl.ac.uk). Web-enhanced approaches to the teaching of linguistic variation in French. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 96–108.
03–54Migdalek, Jack(Trinity Coll., Melbourne U., Australia). Performing English: The classroom as rehearsal space. Prospect (Macquarie U., Sydney, Australia), 17, 2 (2002), 53–61.
03–55Millrood, Radislav (Tambov State U., Russia; Email: millrood@millrood.tstu.ru). Teaching heterogeneous classes. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 128–36.
03–56Morris, Frank A. (U. of Minnesota, USA). Serving the community and learning a foreign language: Evaluating a service-learning programme. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 14, 3 (2001), 244–55.
03–57Muncie, James (U. of Evora, Portugal; Email: james_muncie@hotmail.com). Finding a place for grammar in EFL composition classes. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 180–86.
03–58Murphy-Lejeune, Elisabeth (Université Nancy 2, France). Le capital de mobilité: genèse d'un étudiant voyageur. [Travel as a social resource: The birth of a new kind of ‘Stranger’, the student traveller.] Mélanges CRAPEL (Nancy, France), 26 (2001), 137–65.
03–59Nagata, Noriko (U. of San Francisco, USA; Email: nagatan@usfca.edu). BANZAI: An application of natural language processing to web-based language learning. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 583–99.
03–60Neal, Barbara (USA). The quantifier system: One of the largest and least known parts of English. RELC Journal (Singapore), 32, 2 (2001), 16–26.
03–61Nesselhauf, Nadja (U. of Basel, Switzerland) and Tschichold, Cornelia. Collocations in CALL: An investigation of vocabulary-building software for EFL. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, The Netherlands), 15, 3 (2002), 251–79.
03–62North, Sarah (Open U., Milton Keynes, UK; Email: s.p.north@open.ac.uk) and Pillay, Hannah. Homework: Re-examining the routine. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 56, 2 (2002), 137–45.
03–63Olivares-Cuhat, Gabriela (Cleveland State U., USA). A practical and complementary approach to the evaluation of ESL composition textbooks. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (Toronto, Ont.), 58, 4 (2002), 653–59.
03–64Perego, Elisa (Università di Pavia, Italy). Inglese lingua veicolare in Ungheria: L'apprendimento del lessico in uno studio di caso. [English-medium teaching in Hungary: Teaching vocabulary – a case study.] Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (Rome, Italy), 33, 2/3 (2001), 197–218.
03–65Rees, David (Institut National d'Horticulture, Angers, France). From EFL learning theories to EFL teaching practice: Activating action research. Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT (Grenoble, France), 21, 2 (2001), 53–61.
03–66Riva, Laura (Università Cattolica, Milan, Italy). I dizionari bilingui italiano-inglese su CD-ROM. Analisi comparativa. [A comparative analysis of Italian-English bilingual dictionaries on CD-ROM.] Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (Rome, Italy), 33, 2/3 (2001), 263–76.
03–67Roessingh, Hetty (Calgary Board of Ed., Canada) and Kover, Pat. Working with younger-arriving ESL learners in high school English: Never too late to reclaim potential. TESL Canada Journal/La Revue TESL du Canada (Burnaby, BC, Canada), 19, 2 (2001), 1–20.
03–68Schulz, Renate A. (U. of Arizona, USA). Changing perspectives in foreign language education: Where do we come from? Where are we going? Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 3 (2002), 285–92.
03–69Sercu, Lies (KULeuven, Faculteit Letteren, Leuven, Belgium; Email: lies.sercu@arts.kuleuven.ac.be). Autonomous learning and the acquisition of intercultural communicative competence: Some implications for course development. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 15, 1 (2002), 61–74.
03–70Setati, Mamokgethi, Adler, Jill (Email: 036ja@cosmos.wits.ac.za), Reed, Yvonne and Bapoo, Abdool (U. of the Witwatersrand, South Africa). Incomplete journeys: Code-switching and other language practices in mathematics, science and English language classrooms in South Africa. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK), 16, 2 (2002), 128–49.
03–71Shawback, Michael J. (Ritsumeikan U., Shiga, Japan; Email: shawback@se.ritsumei.ac.jp) and Terhune, N. M. Online interactive courseware: Using movies to promote cultural understanding in a CALL environment. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 1 (2002), 85–95.
03–72Shimizu, Hideko (U. of Colorado at Boulder, USA; Email: Shimizu@colorado.edu) and Green, Kathy E. Japanese language educators' strategies for and attitudes toward teaching kanji. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 86, 2 (2002), 227–41.
03–73Skourtou, Eleni, (U. of Aegean, Greece). Connecting Greek and Canadian schools through an Internet-based sister-class network. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 5, 2 (2002), 85–95.
03–74Slaouti, Diane (U. of Manchester, UK; Email: diane.slouti@man.ac.uk). The World Wide Web for academic purposes: Old study skills for new? English for Specific Purposes (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 21, 2 (2002), 105–24.
03–75Soler, Viviana (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina; Email: insoler@criba.edu.ar). Analysing adjectives in scientific discourse: An exploratory study with educational applications for Spanish speakers at advanced university level. English for Specific Purposes (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 21, 2 (2002), 145–65.
03–76Spratt, Mary (Hong Kong Polytechnic U.). The value of finding out what classroom activities students like. RELC Journal (Singapore), 32, 2 (2001), 80–103.
03–77Sun, Guangyong (Private Pui Ching Commercial Coll., China; Email: guangyong_sun@21cn.com) and Cheng, Liying. From context to curriculum: A case study of communicative language teaching in China. TESL Canada Journal/La Revue TESL du Canada (Burnaby, BC, Canada), 19, 2 (2001), 67–86.
03–78Taylor, Alan M. (Purdue U., USA). L'alternance de codes chez deux enseignants de français langue seconde, niveau débutant, dans l'enseignement assisté par ordinateur. [Code-switching in two teachers of French as a second language, at beginners' level, in a computer-assisted language-learning environment.] The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (Toronto, Ont.), 58, 4 (2002), 623–52.
03–79Taylor, Gregory (Southern Illinois U., USA). Teaching gambits: The effect of instruction and task variation on the use of conversation strategies by intermediate Spanish students. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 2 (2002), 171–89.
03–80Vilar Sánchez, Karin (U. of Granada, Spain; Email: kvilars@goliat.ugr.es). Functional- communicative grammar (Spanish-German) for translators and/or interpreters: A project. Babel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 47, 2 (2001), 109–20.
03–81Vogt, Gayle H. (California State U., USA). Distance learning and international graduate students: A point of view. Journal of Language for International Business (Glendale, AZ, USA), 13, 1/2 (2002), 43–56.
03–82Walker, Elizabeth (Hong Kong Inst. of Education). Roles of native-speaker English Teachers (NETs) in Hong Kong secondary schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Language in Education (Hong Kong), 4, 2 (2001), 51–77.
03–83Wilkinson, Sharon (West Virginia U., USA; Email: swilkin@wvu.edu). The omnipresent classroom during summer study abroad: American students in conversation with their French hosts. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 86, 2 (2002), 157–73.
03–84Xie, Tianwei (California State U., Long Beach, USA; Email: txie@csulb.edu). Using Internet Relay Chat in teaching Chinese. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 513–24.
03–85Yang, Anson (City U. of Hong Kong). Mysteries for college ESL students: Why and how. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics (Hong Kong), 6, 2 (2001), 44–53.
03–86Yang, Anson (City U. of Hong Kong; Email: enanson@cityu.edu.hk). Science fiction in the EFL class. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 15, 1 (2002), 50–60.
03–87Zhang, Hang (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Email: hzhang2@uiuc.edu). Teaching Business Chinese online. CALICO Journal (San Marcos, TX, USA), 19, 3 (2001), 525–32.