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Glaciological Literature

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  30 January 2017

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Copyright © International Glaciological Society 1961

THIS selected list of glaciological literature has been prepared by J. W. Glen with the assistance of T. H. Ellison, W. B. Harland, Miss D. M. Johnson, and the Staff of the Scott Polar Research Institute. Its field is the scientific study of snow and ice and of their effects on the earth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the “applied” aspects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographies in each issue of the Polar Record. For Russian material the system of transliteration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr. Glen of publications of glaciological interest.


General glaciology

Ambach, W. Das wissenschaftliche Programm der Internationalen Glaziologischen Gronlandexpedition 1959–1960. Die Pyramide (Innsbruck), 1960, Nr. 2, p. 4951. [Scientific programme of International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland, 1957–60; geodesy, glaciology, geophysics, oceanography.]Google Scholar
Avsyuk, G. A. Glyatsiologicheskiye issledovaniya v period Mezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda 1957–1958–1959 gg. . Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya 1960, No. 5, p. 1121. [Summary of results.]Google Scholar
[Conferences.] Antarctic symposium. Buenos Aires 17–25 November 1959. Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale, Monographie No. 5, 1960, 95 p. [Synopsis of communications read.]Google Scholar
[Glaciology: Periodicals.] Glaciological Notes (New York, I.G.Y. World Data Center A, Glaciology), No. 1, 1960, 20 p. [New quarterly bulletin dealing with current activities and publications.]Google Scholar
Hattersley-Smith, G. Research in the Lake Hazen region of northern Ellesmere Island in the International Geophysical Year. Arctic Circular, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1959, p. 212. [Expedition organized by Defence Research Board, Canada, to carry out meteorological, glaciological, geophysical and geological investigations in northern Ellesmere Island, 1957–58.]Google Scholar
Palosuo, E. Schytt, V. Till Nordostlandet med den svenska glaciologiska expeditionen. Terra, Årg. 72, No. 1, 1960, p. 1129. [Swedish glaciological expedition to Nordaustlandet, Spitsbergen, under Schytt, 1957 and 1958, and results. English summary.]Google Scholar
Shumskiy, P. A., ed. Vtoraya konlinenhafnaya ekspeditsiya 19561–58 gg. Glyatsiologicheskiye issledovaniya . Leningrad, Izdatel’stvo “Morskoy Transport” [“Morskoy Transport” Publishing House], 1960. 366 p. [Numbered “10”.] [Collected papers on all aspects of Soviet glaciological work in Antarctica.]Google Scholar
Tushinskiy, G. K., ed. El’brusskaya ekspeditsiya Moskovskogo Gosudarstvcnnogo Universiteta i Instituta Prikladnoy Geofiziki Akademii Nauk SSSR . Infonnatsionnyy Sbornik o Rabotakh po Mezhdunarodnoenu Geofizicheskomu Godu No. 4, 1959, 230 p. [Results of I.G.Y. expedition in glaciology, glacial geology, frozen ground studies and meteorology.]Google Scholar

Glaciological instruments and methods

Anderson, V. H. A technique for photographing snow-pit stratigraphy. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 65, No. 3, 1960, p. 508082.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Avgevitch, V. I. The application of photogrammetsy in I.G.Y. glaciological research. Journal of Photographic Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1960, p. 5868. [Methods used on U.S.S.R. Antarctic expedition.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Clark, D. B. A strain gauge technique for the dynamic measurement of ice. Arctic, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1960, p. 12331.Google Scholar
Kasser, P. Ein leichter thermischer Eisbohrer als Hilfsgerät zur Installation von Ablationsstangen auf Gletschern. Geoflsira Pura e Applicata, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1960, p. 97114. [Description of a light thermic ice drill to assist in the installation of ablation stakes on glaciers; also some data of ablation.]Google Scholar
Kudryavtsev, V. A., ed. Izucheniye mekhanicheskikh i fizicheskikh svoystv l’da . Moscow, Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR [Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.], 1957. 63 p. [Recommended methods for laboratory study of structure, density, strength and thermal properties.]Google Scholar
Laclavère, G. Fischer, J. C. La représentation cartographique du relief polaire. Paris, Ministère des Travaux Publics et des Transports, Institut Géographique National, 1960. 11 p. [Proposals for standard designation of relief features in polar regions. Paper presented to 19e Congrès International de Geographic, Stockholm, August 1960.]Google Scholar
Mellor, M. Gauging Antarctic drift snow. (In Antarctic meteorology. Proceedings of the symposium held in Melbourne, February 1959. London, Pergamon Press, [5960], p. 34755.) [Description of author’s two new types of drift snow-traps.]Google Scholar
Painter, P. R. Schaefer, V. J. Permanent replicas of the crystalline structure of hailstones. Zeitschrifl für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 11, Ease. 4, 1960, p. 31826. [Technique.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Rudakov, V. N. Bogorodskiy, V. V. K voprosu ob izmerenii tolshchiny lednikov elektromagnitymi metodami . Zhurnal Technickeskoy Fiziki Tom 30, No. 1, 1960, p. 8289. [Theoretical discussion of method.]Google Scholar
Shlyakhov, V. I. Metodika izmereniya balansa radiatsii s samoleta . Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii , No. 21, 1960, p. 3533. [Method successfully used in Antarctica.]Google Scholar
Sorokhtin, O. G., and others. Metodika i osnovnyye rezul’taty seysmicheskikh i gravimetricheskikh issledovanii stroyeniya vostochnoy Antarktidy . [By] O. G. Sorokhtin O. K. Kondrat’yev [and] Yu. N. Avsyuk. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geofazisheskaya 1960, No. 3, p. 396401. [Translation in Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Geophysical Series, 1960, No. 3, p. 265–68.]Google Scholar
Thoren, R., comp. Photographic interpretations of ice. Washington, D.C., Office of Naval Research, 1960. 39 p. (ONR Report ACR-53.) [Papers by G. Teleki, T. E. Armstrong, M. Dunbar, E. Palosuo and V. Schytt on aspects of uses of air photography in floating and land ice studies.]Google Scholar
[Waite, A. H.] Antarctic ice depths measured by radio altimeter. Antarctic, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1960, p. 20102. [New method giving depths very rapidly to accuracy of 7 m.]Google Scholar

Physics of ice

Ambach, W. Beiträge zur Bestimmung des Extinktionskoeffizienten von Gletschereis. Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, Bd. 8, Nr. 54, 1959, p. 27072. [Measurement of absorption coefficient of ice.]Google Scholar
Berry, R. J. The temperature-time dependence of the triple point of water. Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 37, No. 11, 1959, p. 123048. [Variations attributed to changer in ice crystals.]Google Scholar
Bryant, G. W. and others. The epitaxial growth of ice on single-crystalline substrates, by G. W. Bryant J. Hallett B. J. Mason. Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1960, p. 18995. [Study of temperature of formation and mode of growth of ice on surface.]Google Scholar
Cook, J. C. RF electrical properties of salty ice and frozen earth. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 65, No. 6, 1960, p. 176771. [Mainly laboratory measurements at loo Mc/s.]Google Scholar
Deubner, A. and others. Nachweis des Piezoeffektes am Eis. [By] A. Deubncr R. Heise K. Wenzel. Naturwis-senschaftem, Bd. 47, Ht. 24, 1980, p. 60001. [Effect observed in freshly formed ice crystals.]Google Scholar
Dowell, L. G. Rinfret, A. P. Low-temperature forms of ice as studied by X-ray diffraction. Nature, Vol. 188, No. 4757, 1960, p. 114448. [Studies on cubic and “vitreous” ice and transformations.]Google Scholar
Dressler, K. Schnepp, O. Absorption spectra of solid methane, ammonia, and ice in the vacuum ultraviolet. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1960, p. 27074. [Measurements on hexagonal and vitreous ice.]Google Scholar
Dufour, L. Defay, R. Sur l’impossibilité de nucléation homogène de glace dans l’air humide. Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique. Publications, Ser. B, No. 28, 1960, p. 112. [Theoretical study suggesting that supercooled droplets are always formed first in absence of foreign nuclei.]Google Scholar
Fletcher, N. H. Entropy effect in ice crystal nucleation. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 30, No. 6, 1959, p. 147682. [Theory of nucleation taking into account entropy of ice caused by orientation of surface molecules.]Google Scholar
Fletcher, N. H. Nucleation and growth of ice crystals upon crystalline substrates. Australian Journal of Physics, Vol. 13, No. 2A, 1960, p. 40818. [Theory of nucleation and growth.]Google Scholar
Gold, L. W. The cracking activity in ice during creep. Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 38, No. 9, 1960, p. 113748. [Observations of cracks formed under constant compressive load.]Google Scholar
Gränicher, H. Jona, F. Physik des Eises. Helvetica Physica Acta, Suppl. 5, 1960, p. 5060. [Review.]Google Scholar
Hutchinson, W. C. A. Ice-crystal contact electrification. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 86, No. 369, 1960, p. 40607. [Experiments show effects to be very small.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Jaccard, C. Levi, L. Ségrégation d’impuretés dans la glace. Zeitschrsft far Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 12, Fasc. 1, 1961, p. 7076. [Theory of distribution of impurities along a growing ice crystal, and comparison with experiment.]Google Scholar
Kamb, W. B. Datta, S. K. Crystal structures of the high-pressure forms of ice: ice III. Nature, Vol. 187, No. 4732, 1960, p. 14041. [Measurements by X-rays.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Kingery, W. D. Regelation, surface diffusion, and ice sintering. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 31, No. 5, 1960, p. 83338. [Mechanism of regelation discussed.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
LaPlaca, S. Post, B. Thermal expansion of ice. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 13, No. 6, 1960, p. 50305. [New measurements of single crystal expansion coefficients and of changes of crystal lattice dimensions.]Google Scholar
Mason, B. J. Heuvel, A. P. van den. The properties and behaviour of some artificial ice nuclei. Proceedings of the Physical Society (London), Vol. 74, No. 480, 1959, p. 74455. [Experimental results and discussion of theory.]Google Scholar
Meryman, H. T. General principles of freezing and freezing injury in cellular materials. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 85, 1960, p. 50309. [Discussion of formation of ice in frozen biological structures and causes of damage.]Google Scholar
Persidsky, M. D. Liyet, B. J. Periodicity in the freezing of aqueous solutions. Biodynamica, Vol. 8, No. 164, 1960, p. 16580. [Periodic variation in rate of growth and of structure of ice formed from freezing solutions.]Google ScholarPubMed
Schulz, W. Untersuchungen über das Wachstum der Eiskristalle. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. A, Bd. 11, Ht. 4, 1960, p. 50331. [Microscopical studies of ice grown by condensation and sublimation.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Smith, M. Pounder, E. R. Impurity concentration profiles in ice by an anthrone method. Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1960, p. 35468. [Measurements of impurity concentrations in frozen solutions.]Google Scholar
Stephenson, J. L. Ice crystal formation in biological materials during rapid freezing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 85, 1960, p. 53540. [Nucleation and growth rates of ice in biological materials.]Google Scholar
Turcotte, D. L. The melting of ice in a hot humid stream of air. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1960, p. 12329. [Theoretical analysis including vaporization or condensation.]Google Scholar
Vyalov, S. S. Zakonomernosti deformirovaniya l’da . (Sn Sbornik materialov rasshirennogo soveshchaniya Rabochey Gruppy po Glyatsiologii Sovetskogo Mezhduvedomstvennogo Komiteta Mezhdunarodnogo Ceoftzicheskogo Goda 20–24 maya 1958 g. v Moskve conference of the Working Group in Glaciology of the Soviet Interdepartmental Committee for the I.G.Y. 20–24 May 1958 in Moscow]. Moscow, 1959, p. 7376.) [Results of mechanical tests on snow and ice made in the laboratory in Antarctica.]Google Scholar
Watt, A. D. Maxwell, E. L. Measured electrical properties of snow and glacial ice. Journal of Research. National Bureau of Standards (Washington, D.C.), Sect. D, Vol. 64, No. 4, 1960, p. 35763. [Conductivity as a function of frequency.]Google Scholar

Land ice. Glaciers. Ice shelves

Allen, C. R., and others. Structure of the Lower Blue Glacier, Washington, [by] C. R. Allen W. B. Kamb M. F. Meier R. P. Sharp. Journal of Geology, Vol. 68, No. 6, 1960, p. 60125, map insert. [General study of this glacier including the foliation, ogives, crevasses, and the various ice fabrics.]Google Scholar
Ambach, W. Investigations of the heat balance in the area of ablation on the Greenland Ice Cap. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. 10, Ht. 3, 1960, p. 27988. [Radiation is more important for melting than heat convection; evaporation is insignificant.]Google Scholar
Ambach, W. Studium des Wärmehaushaltes im grönländischen Inlandeis. Acta Physics Austriaca, Bd. 13, Ht. 2/3, 1960, p. 23133. [Measurements of regime.]Google Scholar
Aver’yanov, V. G. O tendentsii sovremennogo oledeniya Antarktidy . Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Tom 134, No. 5, 1960, p. 115557. [Mass budget of Antarctic Ice Sheet deduced to be positive.]Google Scholar
Avsyuk, G. A. Sovremennaya izuchennost’ lednikov Sovetskoy Arktiki . Problemy Severa 1959, Vyp. 3, p. 18089.Google Scholar
Bardin, V. I. Shil’nikov, V. I. “Produktivnost’ “berega vostochnoy Antarktidy . Informatsionnyy Byuleeten’ Sovetskoy Anlarklicheskoy Ekspeditsii No. 23, 1960, p. 2832. [Amount of ice lost to Antarctica annually through calving of icebergs.]Google Scholar
Bentley, C. R., and others. Structure of West Antarctica, by C. R. Bentley A. P. Crary N. A. Ostenso E. C. Thiel. Science, Vol. 131, No. 3394 1960, p. 13136. [Results of traverses on Filchner and Ross Ice Shelves, Marie Byrd Land, Ellsworth Highland, and Victoria Land, 1957–59.]Google Scholar
Berzon, I. S., and others. Seysmicheskiye issledovaniya na lednike Tuyuksu . [By] I. S. Berzon L. I. Bokanenko V. S. Isaye V. Akadewya Nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy Komitec po Provedeniyu Mezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda, [Resul’taty Issledovany,]IX i XII Razdely Programmy MCC (Gyatsiologya i Seysmologya) No. 3, 1959, p. 167. [Seismic methods of observing thickness and properties of glaciers.]Google Scholar
Bogoslovskiy, V. N. Temperaturnyy rezhim lednikovogo shchita Antarktidy . (In Sbornik materialov rasshirennogo soveshchanya Rabochey Gruppy po Clyatsiologii Sovetskogo Mezhduvedomslvennogo Komiteta Mezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda 20–24 maya 1958 g. v Moskue conference of the Working Group in Glaciology of the Soviet Interdepartmental Committee for the I.G.Y 20–24 May 1958 in Moscow]. Moscow, 1959, p. 7778.) [Interpretation of englacial temperatures in terms of ice flow.]Google Scholar
Botter, R., and others. Sur la teneur en deutérium des précipitations en Terre de Victoria, Antarctique, [par] R. Botter C. Lorius G. Nief. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Tom. 251, No. 4, 1960, p. 57375. [Variation with level of precipitation formation.]Google Scholar
Büdel, J. Gletscherfragen. Die Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik, Jahrg. 60, Ht. 8, 1960, p. 22528. [Discussion of mass and temperature regime of glaciers, particularly in polar regions.]Google Scholar
Burton, J. M. C. The ice-shelf in the neighbourhood of Halley Bay. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ser. A, Vol. 256, No. 1285, 1960, p. 197200. [Nature of ice shelf and accumulation measurements, Coats Land; observations during I.G.Y. expedition.]Google Scholar
Capello, C. Luchino, M. Recherches sur la limite temporaire des neiges dans les Alpes occidentales italiennes. Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, Bd. 8, Nr. 54, 1959, p. 12931. [Studies of level of snow line through seasons.]Google Scholar
Chu, [Ko-chen]. Scientific expeditions undertaken by Academia Sinica in recent years. Scientia Sinica, Vol. 8, No. 9, 1959, p. 887909. [Includes report of glaciological observations in Nan Shan region.]Google Scholar
Cornet, A. Déplacement du glacier de] ’Astrolabe et bilan de masse en Terre Adélie. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Tom. 251, No. 3, 1960, p. 40406. [Measurements of flow, ablation and retreat.]Google Scholar
Dolgushin, L. D. Sovremennoye oledeneniye Nan’-Shanya (Tsilen’-Shanya) . Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geograftcheskaya 1959, No. 6, p. 3343. [General description of glaciers in this region of China.]Google Scholar
Flohn, H. Bemerkungen zur Klimatologie von Hochasien (aktuelle Schneegrenze und Sommerklima). Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-naturwissenschafklichen Klasse, Jahrg. 1959, Nr. 14, 1960, p. 140931. [Variations of level of snow line in Central Asian mountains discussed.]Google Scholar
Förtsch, O. Ergebnisse seismischer Untersuchungen auf Gletschern der Ostalpen. Ostalpen. Zeitschrift für Geophysik, Bd. 24, Ht. 4/5, 1958, p. 16167. [Measurements of depths of five glaciers in Austrian Alps.]Google Scholar
Fristrup, B. Recent investigations of the Greenland Ice Cap. Geografisk Tidsskraft, Bd. 58, 1959, p. 129. [Especially research of 1950’s. Bibliography.]Google Scholar
Fristrup, B. Studies of four glaciers in Greenland. Geografrsk Tidsskrsft, Bd. 59, 1960, p. 89102. [Morphology of Napassorssuaq Gletscher, south Greenland, Sermikaysak, west Greenland, Hurlbut Gletscher, north-west Greenland, and Mitdluagkat Gletscher, east Greenland, in relation to physiography, climate and change of climate.]Google Scholar
Fristrup, B. Weidick, A. Glaciologie (In Geofysiken i Danmark. 2. del. København, Munksgaard, 1960, p. 3953.) [History of glaciological research in Greenland since 1721.]Google Scholar
Gale, R. T. Geology of Lava Beds National Monument. Bulletin of the National Speleological Society, Vol. 21, Pt. 2, 1959, p. 6166. [Brief account of origin of ice found in lava tubes in California.]Google Scholar
Goodspeed, M. J. Jesson, E. E. Australian ice thickness measurements in Antarctica by seismic and gravity methods, 1957–59. Australia. Dept. of National Development. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Records, No. 128, 1959, iii, 3 leaves, map, 6 folding plates. [Results of traverses in Mawson area.]Google Scholar
Hanson, K. J. Radiation measurement on the Antarctic snowfield: a preliminary report. journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 65, No. 3, 1960, p. 93546. [Measurements at South Pole.]Google Scholar
Harrison, A. E. Exploring glaciers-with a camera. San Francisco, Sierra Club, 1960. 71 p. $1.95. [“Popular” work with valuable photographs of glaciers, especially of their fluctuation.]Google Scholar
Harrison, A. E. Fluctuations of the Coleman Glacier, Mt. Baker, Washington. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 66, No. 2, 1965, p. 64950. [Volume changes of the Coleman and Roosevelt Glaciers from 1954 to 1959, and the advances of the former in the same period.]Google Scholar
Haumann, D. Photogrammetric-and glaciological studies of Salmon Glacier. Arctic, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1960, p. 74110. [British Columbia; study of fluctuation.]Google Scholar
Höllermann, P. Blockbewegung bei Ostalpengletschern. Zeitschrfl für Geomorphologie, N.F., Bd. 3, Ht. 4, 1959, p. 26982. [Describes some examples of “block flow” in the Order region (Tirol) and suggests some cause for block formation of ice.]Google Scholar
Hofmann, W. Die geodätische Lagemessung bei der Sommerkampagne 1959 der Internationalen Glaziologischen Grönland-Expedition (EGIG). Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Jahrg. 85, Ht. 2, 1960, p. 4656. [Sundry geodetic surveys made during the 1959 season of the International Glaciological Greenland Expedition, 1957–60.]Google Scholar
Hoinkes, H. Neue Ergebnisse der glaziologischen Erforschung der Antarktis. I. Die Mächtigkeit des antarktischen Landeises-die Topographie des Untergrundes.—II. Die grossen Eis-Schelfe—das Bild des antarktischen Kontinents.—III. Altere Eisstände—der heutige Massenhaushalt. Die Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik, Jahrg. 60, Ht. 18, 1960, p. 54953; Ht. 19, 1960, p. 596–98; Ht. 20, 1960, p. 627–30. [Discussion of new evidence on the depth of Antarctic ice, the nature of the Antarctic continent and the regime of the ice in the past and today.]Google Scholar
Hoinkes, H. C. Studies of solar radiation and albedo in the Antarctic (Little America V and South Pole, 1957/58). Archivfiir Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. 10, Ht. 2, 1960, p. 17581. [Radiation intensity at the South Pole (2800 m.) agrees with that in the Alps at 3000 m. in December.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Holzapfel, R. Hochsommertemperatur und Gletscherhochstände. Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, Bd. 8, Nr. 54, 1959, p. 2728. [Correlation of running means of summer temperatures with glacier maxima.]Google Scholar
Hood, J. M. jr. Environmental photometry in the Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 65, No. 5, 1960, p. 152734. [Measurements of luminance distributions.]Google Scholar
[Italy: Glaciers.] Cataste dei ghiacciai italiani Anno Geofisico 1957–58. Vol. 1. Elenco generale e bibIiDgrafia dei ghiacciai italiani. Torino, Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 1959. 173 p., maps [in end-pocket]. [General catalogue and bibliography of Italian glaciers.]Google Scholar
Jaffé, A. Neuere Albedo- und Extinktionsmessungen an Gletschereisplatten. Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, Bd. 8, Nr. 54, 1959, p. 27374. [Measurement of albedo and radiation absorption of glacier ice as function of angle of incidence and depth.]Google Scholar
Jangpangi, B. S. Study of some of the central Himalayan glaciers. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (Delhi), Sect. A, Vol. 17, No. 12, Suppl., 1958, p. 9193. [Description and retreat information on nine glaciers.]Google Scholar
Jen, Mei-ngo La glaciation du Yulungshan, Yunnan, Chine. Annales de Gdographie, An. 69, No. 378, 1960, p. 5056. [Glaciology and glacial geology of north Yunnan, south-west China.]Google Scholar
Johnson, A. Variation m surface elevation of the Nisqually Glacier, Mt. Rainier, Washington. Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology, No. 19, 1960, p. 5460. [Records kept since 1942. Increase in surface elevation accompanied by increase in rate of movement of glacier, although terminus is receding.]Google Scholar
Kapitsa, A. P. Novyye dannyye o moshchnosti lednikovogo pokrova tsentral’nykh rayonov Antarktidy . Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii No. 19, 1960, p. 1014. [Seismic profile from Komsomol’skayya to South Pole.]Google Scholar
Kasser, P. Müller, W. Uber die Gletscheränderungen seit 1900 in den schweizer Alpen. Wasser- und Energiewirtschaft, 1960, No. 8–10, p. 22433. [Meteorological records used to interpret glacier retreat in Swiss Alps since 1900.]Google Scholar
Kazanskiy, A. B. O teplovom balanse poverkhnosti lednika Fedchenko . Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Tom 134, No. 4, 1960, p. 80609. [Measurement at various stations on the glacier.]Google Scholar
Keller, G. V. Frischknecht, F. C. Electrical resistivity studies on the Athabaska Glacier, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Research. National Bureau of Standards (Washington, D.C.), Sect. D, Vol. 46, No. 5, 1960, p. 43948. [Electrical method for measuring ice thickness.]Google Scholar
Kopanev, I. D. Teplovoy rezhim snezhnogo pokrova v Antarktide . Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geofizicheskaya 1959, No. 12, p. 183138. [Quantitative measurements of thermal and radiation properties.]Google Scholar
Kosiba, A. Some of [the] results of glaciological investigations in SW-Spitsbergen carried out during the Polish I.G.Y. Spitsbergen expeditions in 1957, 1958 and 1959. Uniwersytet Wroclawski im. Boleslawa Bieruta zeszyty Naukowe Nauki Przyrodnicze, Ser. B, No. 4, 1960, 29 p. [Glaciological measurements on Werenskiold and Hans glaciers, Vestspitsbergen.]Google Scholar
Kotlyakov, V. M. Izmereniye prikhoda lednikovogo pokrova Antarktidy . Glyatsiologicheskiye Issledovaniya. Sbornik Staley. IX Razdel Programmy MGG (Glyatsiologiya) No. 5, 1960, p. 726. [General summary, based on observations by many expeditions since 1949. English summary.]Google Scholar
Krenek, L. O. Changes in the glaciers of Mt. Ruapehu in 1955. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1959, p. 64353. [Recession of Mt. Ruapehu glacier compared with that of the Hooker and Mueller Glaciers in the Southern Alps.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Larsen, H. V. Runoff studies from the Mitdluagkat Gletscher in SE-Greenland during the late summer 1958. Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bd. 58, 1959, p. 5465. [Angmagssalik Ø.]Google Scholar
Loewe, F. Notes concerning the mass budget of the Antarctic inland ice. (In Antarctic meteorology. Proceedings of the symposium held in Melbourne, February 1959. London, Pergamon Press, [1960], p. 36169.) [Present budget shows a gain of substance.]Google Scholar
MacDowall, J. A local survey of the earth’s magnetic field in the vicinity of Royal Society base, Halley Bay. Polar Record, Vol. so, No. 64, 1960, p. 9092. [Includes measurements of use in determining the movement of the ice shelf.]Google Scholar
MacDowall, J. Some observations at Halley Bay in seismology, glaciology and meteorology. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Ser. A, Vol. 256, No. 1285, 1960, p. 14997. [Studies of accumulation on ice shelf and of ice front.]Google Scholar
Mälzer, H. Die Höhenmessung bei der Sommerkampagne 1959 der Internationalen Glaziologischen Grönland-Expedition (EGIG). Zeitschrifl für Vermessungswesen, Jahrg. 85, Ht. 8, 1960, p. 27586. [Levelling and altitude measurements on traverse of ice sheet by International Glaciological Greenland Expedition, 1959.]Google Scholar
Matschinski, M. La “lenteur” des phénomènes glaciaires. Compte Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France, 1960, Ease. 2, p. 3031. [Attempt to give periodicity to glacier advance and retreat.]Google Scholar
Meier, M. F. Mode of flow of Saskatchewan Glacier, Alberta, Canada. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 351, 1860, 70 p. [Measurement and analysis of ice movement, deformation, and structural features of a typical valley glacier.]Google Scholar
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Icebergs. sea, river and lake ice

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Glacial geology

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Frost action on rocks and soil. Frozen ground. Permafrost

Ananyan, A. A. Mekhanizm l’dovydeleniya pri promerzaniya gornykh porod . Voprosy Fizicheskoy Geografii Polyarnykh Stran 1959, Vyp. 2, p. 5865. [Suggested behaviour of water molecules.]Google Scholar
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Holmes, C. D. Colton, R. B. Patterned ground near Dundas (Thule air force base), Greenland. Meddelelser om Grenland, Bd. 158, Nr. 6, 1960, 15 p. [Polygons, stone stripes, solifluction lobes.]Google Scholar
Johnsson, G. Cryoturbation at Zaragoza, northern Spain. Zeitschrfl für Geomorphologie, N.F., Bd. 4, Ht. 1, 1960, p. 7480. [Various observations including the existence of an ice wedge show that frost action could have caused permanently frozen ground during upper Pleistocene.]Google Scholar
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Meteorological and climatological glaciology

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Giddings, J. C. LaChapelle, E. Diffusion theory applied to radiant energy distribution and albedo of snow. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 66, No. 1, 1961, p. 18189. [Theory of diffusion of radiation into snow and comparison with field measurements.]Google Scholar
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