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African Slavery and other Forms of Social Oppression on the Upper Guinea Coast in the Context of the Atlantic Slave-Trade
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2009
It has come to be widely accepted that slavery prevailed on the African continent before the arrival of the Europeans, and this indigenous slavery is said to have facilitated the rise and progress of the Atlantic slave-trade. According to P. D. Rinchon, ‘from the earliest days of the trade, the majority of the Negroes were living in a state of servitude, and the native chiefs did not have far to seek for the human merchandise’. Daniel Mannix, in one of the most recent accounts of the Atlantic slave-trade, contends that ‘many of the Negroes transported to America had been slaves in Africa, born to captivity. Slavery in Africa was an ancient and widespread institution, but it was especially prevalent in the Sudan.’ In the opinion of J. D. Fage, ‘the presence of a slave class among the coastal peoples meant that there was already a class of human beings who could be sold to Europeans if there was an incentive to do so… So the coastal merchants began by selling the domestic slaves in their own tribes.’ The main purpose of this brief study is to test these generalizations with evidence taken from the Upper Guinea Coast—the region between the Gambia and Cape Mount.
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- Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1966
1 Rinchon, D., La traite et l'esclavage des Congolais par les Européens (Brussels, 1929), 169.Google Scholar
2 Mannix, D. in collaboration with Cowley, M., Black Cargoes, a History of the Atlantic Slave Trade (London, 1963), 43 (44, 45 are also relevant).Google Scholar
3 Fage, J. D., Introduction to the History of West Africa (London, 1959), 78.Google Scholar
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14 de Almada, Alvares, ‘Rios de Guiné’, 234, 235.Google Scholar
15 Ibid. 344, 345, 347; and Peres, Damiao (ed), Duas descriçoes seiscentistas da Guiné de Francisco de Lemos Coelho (Lisbon, 1953), 59–61, from the description written ifl 1669. (To be cited subsequently as ‘Lemos Coelho’.)Google Scholar
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18 de Almada, Alvares, ‘Rios de Guiné’, 275.Google Scholar
19 Wadstrom, C. B., An Essay on Colonisation (London, 1795), part 2, pp. 113–117. A ‘bar’ originally signified an iron bar about 9 inches long. It came to be a unit of currency in the trade of the Upper Guinea Coast with a very imprecise and fluctuating value. Wadstrom estimated it at about 3S. (p. 56).Google Scholar
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26 Canot, Captain, The Adventures of an African Slaver (London, 1928), 128, 129. (This account was actually written in 1854 by one Brantz Meyer to whom Canot related his experiences.)Google Scholar
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38 A.H. U., Cabo Verde, caixa VI: Bishop of Cape Verde to the Conselho Ultramarino, 27 July 1694.Google Scholar
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40 Ibid. part 2, p. 117.
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43 Crooks, J. J., in his A History of the Colony of Sierra Leone (Dublin, 1903), holds to the view of African slavery being ancient, but he makes no connexion with the Atlantic slave-trade.Google Scholar
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46 Besides, Mungo Park was heavily influenced by the West Indian slave-owner Bryan Edwards; and it was one of the pro-slavery arguments that, if the majority of Africans were already slaves in Africa, then it would be no improvement in their lot to end the Atlantic slave-trade and American slavery. For a discussion of the extent to which Park was influenced by Edwards, see the introduction by Murray, John to the publication of Park's second Niger journey, The Journal of a Mission to Africa in the Year 1805.Google Scholar
47 Fernandes, Valentim, op. cit. 92, 96.Google Scholar
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52 Jobson, Richard, The Golden Trade (London, 1933), 108, 109. The ‘slaves’ in the Gambia were owned by the Muslim imams.Google Scholar
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