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Journal metrics

Journal-level metrics

The metrics below are produced by third parties as ways to quantify the impact this journal has on the research community.

Please note that these metrics should always be considered in the context of how they are calculated. As a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) we also emphasise that none of these journal-level metrics should be used to judge the impact of an individual article or author, or their research outputs.

For full details of how these metrics are calculated, please see our guide to journal-level metrics.

Journal metrics
2-year Impact Factor 3.3
5-year Impact Factor 3.3
Eigenfactor 0.00151
Article Influence Score 1.039

In 2023, Global Mental Health was relaunched as part of the Cambridge Prisms series, adopting the series' prefix in its title. Consequently, the journal's impact factor will be listed under its former title, Global Mental Health, until the summer of 2025. From that point onward, the impact factor will be listed under the new title, Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, reflecting the content published under this name used in the impact factor calculation.

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Publishing statistics

We will soon be providing annual statistics about this journal's publishing activity. Please check back later.

Article counts

The table below displays information about the number of articles published in this journal in 2022. For further details of how articles are counted, please see this page.