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Information for Authors        

A research paper submitted to the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (Bulletin) should be at most 18 pages long. It may be written in English or in French. Papers greater than 20 pages should instead be submitted to the Canadian Journal of Mathematics.

Preparing a manuscript for submission

The Bulletin is committed to processing all submitted papers in the shortest possible time. It is vital that authors take care to ensure that the manuscript is in final form and that the paper conforms to the following specifications:

  • The first page should contain a short descriptive title, the name(s) of the author(s) followed by an abstract, not exceeding 200 words, which can be read independently of the paper. This should be followed by the Mathematics Subject Classification Number for the primary and secondary subjects of the article. The institutional affiliation and complete address of each author (including e-mail) should appear at the bottom of the last page.
  • Citations should be given in an alphabetical bibliography at the end of the paper. The list of references should use the standard abbreviations issued by Mathematical Reviews (MR) and should include the DOI whenever possible. You can find the DOI for an article if one exists by using the Crossref search tool at
  • There is a specific class file for Bulletin papers which is available here.

Online submission

When the manuscript is in its final form, it should be submitted online, in PDF form, by clicking the Submit your article link here or the button above. The EditFlow service is used to manage communications between the editors and authors.

Peer Review Process

All research papers go through the same screening process.  Papers are reviewed for suitability, importance of findings, and clarity.  After screening, papers are sent to academic referee(s), unknown to the author(s), expert in the appropriate subject area and carefully chosen by the Editorial Board.  Referees verify the scientific findings and may improve the clarity of the research.  The editors make a final decision on whether to accept to publish the paper.  The author will be required to complete and sign the Copyright Assignment Form (CAF) as part of the submission process.


Once a peer-reviewed paper has been accepted for publication, the author will be notified by email. Upon notification, the author(s) must do the following:

Complete and sign the CAF online web form to assign the copyright to the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), thereby enabling the CMS to legally publish it online and in print (see standard terms and conditions).

Optional Gold Open Access: When completing the CAF, the authors are also given the option to designate the paper for full public access (not requiring a subscription) in exchange for a one-time paper processing fee ($1,030 USD). If the author decline Gold Open Access, the paper will be published using the traditional publishing model (available only to subscribers for the first five years). See standard terms and conditions.

Provide Cambridge University Press (the Publisher on behalf of the CMS) with a complete set of the most recent LaTeX source files (and any supplementary files required, such as figures or macros) and a PDF version of the resulting manuscript.

Author’s Manuscript

After Cambridge receives the source files and copyright assignment, the submitted manuscript will be assigned a permanent DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and temporary headers and footers will be added. This version of the paper will be posted to the Bulletin's website in the "Accepted Manuscripts" (AM) section and also emailed to the author.  This will make the research available to readers quickly. Please note that papers are officially published once they are published as "Accepted Manuscripts".

When the paper has been copy edited (see below), the Accepted Manuscript version will be replaced on the web site with the published version (the “Version of Record”) in the Bulletin’s FirstView section.

Green Open Access

We encourage authors to post a copy of the Accepted Manuscript version of the paper in arXiv, on their own institutional repositories, on other non-commercial repositories, or on their personal web sites in place of any previous versions. See standard terms and conditions).

Copyediting and Proofs

Once the Accepted Manuscript has been posted online, Cambridge will copyedit and typeset the paper to finalize it for official online and print publication and ensure that the paper conforms to the layout and style of the publication. In some cases, the process may change the content of the paper (for example, to re-word portions or to improve clarity).  During the process, a "Proof" copy is sent to the communicating author for comments and corrections. Once corrections have been processed, the paper is reviewed for final approval and publication.

Publication in FirstView

When the paper is in final typeset form, the paper will be made available on the Bulletin’s web site FirstView section.  The AM version will be simultaneously removed.  The paper will remain in the FirstView section until it has been included in a print issue of the Bulletin.

Note that a Bulletin research paper is considered officially published when it appears online in FirstView.

Print Issue

When a Bulletin paper is included in a print issue, the online version is updated slightly to include the volume and issue number and the page numbers are re-assigned relative to the volume/issue.  On the Bulletin’s web site, the paper moves from the FirstView section into the area dedicated to the new issue.

Further Enquiries and Other Issues

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