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Aaron T. Beck

All at the BABCP and its Journals were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of A.T. Beck. We owe him a deep debt of gratitude, and want to celebrate his immense direct and indirect contribution to the psychological understanding and treatment of mental health problems and beyond to issues such as emotion and relationships.

In July of this year, we were proud to celebrate his hundredth birthday by highlighting articles from our journals which reflected part of his impact on our world and those we seek to help. We are reproducing these again just now as a mark of respect, and we will be publishing a special issue of BCP to commemorate his life and work.

P M Salkovskis, Editor, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

Empirically Grounded Clinical Interventions

Empirically Grounded Clinical Guidance Paper

Special Issue: Cultural Adaptations of CBT

Special Issue: Complexity within Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Practice article

Research Article

Accelerated Publication

Research Article