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Ancient Mesoamerica Digital Archive is a repository of every single article published in the journal between 1990 and 1998. It houses over 2,800 pages of content, reproduced as high-resolution, searchable PDFs. The Archive marks the complete digitisation of Ancient Mesoamerica, with all material available through Cambridge Core.

The archive contains approximately 330 articles from the journal's first 9 volumes - 18 issues in total.

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Ancient Mesoamerica
  • ISSN: 0956-5361 (Print), 1469-1787 (Online)
  • Frequency: 3 issues per year
Ancient Mesoamerica is an international forum for the method, theory, substance and interpretation of Mesoamerican archaeology, art history and ethnohistory. The journal publishes papers chiefly concerned with the archaeology of the Mesoamerican region and its networks to the north and south, but also features articles from other disciplines including history, paleoenvironmental fields, and ethnoarchaeology. A wide range of topics is covered, including but not limited to Indigenous systems of writing, myths, and history; paleoecology, the environment, and the Anthropocene; landscape archaeology; household-based studies of social organization, economics, and everyday practices; early human occupation and domestication in the region; political and economic organization from the Formative through the Early Colonial periods; migration and human mobility; and studies of ancient religion, personhood, and ontologies of being.