Material in Figures or Tables is indicated with italic page locators; material in boxes with bold type and references to footnotes carry the suffix ‘n’.
accredittion of observers, 89
‘affective atmospheres’, 31
afforestation, , 267
AGGG (Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases),
Amazon basin, 220
AMIP (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project), 132
Anderson, Benedict, 258
AOGCMs (Atmosphere-Ocean coupled General Circulation Models), 128
Arrhenius, Svante, 14
Assessment Reports, IPCC (generally)
evolving visuals, 235
full list of reports produced,
neglect of indigenous knowledge, 116
role of models in, 126
Assessment Report 2 (AR2, SAR, 1996), xxiii
as SAR, 40
climate change as anthropogenic, 102
introduction of SYRs and SPMs, 199
Assessment Report 4 (AR4, 2007)
Assessment Report 5 (AR5, 2013/14)
Chapter Scientists and, 78
guidance note on communicating uncertainty, 247
mention of DAI, 45
overhaul of scenario framework, 140
speculative NETs criticism, 202
Synthesis Report case study, 195
Assessment Report 6 (AR6 2022/23)
changing expectations acknowledged, 4
co-production of visuals, 241
emphasis on integration,
estimates of maximal sea-level rise, 109
guidance note on communicating risk, 247
scoping meeting, 174
WGI adoption interventions, 165
WGI reference scenarios, 141
contributing to this book, , 7,
aviation, Special Report on (1999), 40
AXA Research Fund, 74
Barros, Vicente, 187
Barry, A., , 176
Barry, J., 203
Beardsley, M. C., 249
Beck, Silke
biography and chapter contribution, xi,
Beck, U. et al., 50
behavioural change, neglect of, 55
bibliometry, 114
Biden Administration, 55
biogeophysical processes, 132
BMPC (Brazilian Panel on Climate Change), 221
Board of Trustees, Scholarship Trust Fund, 74
books about the IPCC, 3
‘boundary making’, 199
Brazil, , 257
Brodbeck, Rino, 31
Brown, M. B., 179
Brown, M. J., 205
Brysse, K., 204
buffer function, WGIII, 17
Bureau, IPCC
accreditation of observer organisations, 90
appointment of experts, 21
governments dependence on, 87
and Panel overlap, 83
Bush, GW Administration, 83
capitalist domination, 270
carbon trading, 228
Carraro, C.,
Casado, M., 78
Charney report, 130
Climate Action Network International, 91
Climate Action Tracker, 213
Climate Analytics, 213
climate change
dangerous levels, 45
now a political problem, 270
polycentric response to, 270
projections from models, 127
reality established, 256
Special Report on Regional Impacts, 40
climate change adaptation
expert knowledge, 111
separate WG from mitigation, 110
Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and (2012), 41
climate change litigation, 195
climate change mitigation
reflecting Global North interests, 221
research dependent on IPCC,
salience post-Paris, 201
separate WG from adaptation, 110
Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and (2011), 41
Climate Interactive, 213
‘climate justice’, 193
climate models, , See also MIPs
atmospheric circulation models, 127
boundary objects and, 227
climate sensitivity and, 227
influence of IPCC, 112
machine-learning alternatives, 135
used in each assessment cycle, 137
Climate Risk and Sustainable Solutions, meeting on Integrating Science across the IPCC, 174
climate science
after World War II, 14
conceived globally, 130
global fact base, 254
neglect of Indigenous knowledge, 117
climate sensitivity
as a boundary object, , 232
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS), 226
IPCC consensus around, 186
IPCC definition, 227
models and, 131
uncertainties, 131
climate solutions space, signifcant omissions, 56
Collins, Harry, 180
communalism in science, 98
appropriation, 248
IPCC strategy, 246
reciprocal approach, 248
through reports,
using visuals,
Communications Action Team, 246
Conference on the Human Environment (UN, 1972), 15
conflict resolution, 266
conflict uncertainty, 161
controversiality of knowledge, 191
accounting for forest sinks, 153
defined, 149
ensuring the reflection of, 24
and IPCC consensus, 183
political, absorbed by IPCC, 151
political, triggered by IPCC, 151
types affecting IPCC,
‘convening power’, of IPCC and UNEP, 29
between authors and users, 234
and boundary objects, 226
co-production of IPCC reports, 264
science-driven or policy-driven, 112
2 °C target as, 230
of visuals, 241
cosmopolitan climate expertise,
costs of travel, 37
cultural relativism, 184
Cuomo Foundation, 74
dangerous anthropogenic objects, 231
de Wit, S., 248
decision-making in Latin America, 222
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN), 118
‘deliberative mini-publics’, 94
developed and developing nations
asymmetries and chairmanship, 83
climate change as an emergency, 256
climate model development, 128
equitable effort-sharing, 231
human life valuation in, 152
intergovernmental comprisons, 85
intergovernmental relations, 82
joint TSU chairs, 29
disciplines, academic
interdisciplinary conversations / work, , 176
positivist and interpretative, 114
power asymmetries among, 265
relevance of this book, 5
support for consensus, 251
diversity, 59, See also gender balance
among thematic bridges, 176
of audiences for IPCC reports, 242
importance and value, 66
Dorough, Dalee Sambo, xii,
Doyle, J., 237
Dudman, K., 248
Dupuy, Jean-Paul, 159
Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB), 166
economic growth
decoupling from energy demand, 214
ECRs (Early Career Researchers), 6, 7, , 265, See also Chapter Scientist role; Scholarship Programme
defined, 72
ECS (Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity), 226
Edmonds, Jae, 143
Elzinga, A., 182
EMIC (Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity), 128
‘emission equivalents’, 226
emulators, 128
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), US, 139
‘epistemic chaos’, 153
epistemic geographies, 222
‘epistemic selectivity’, 194
epistemic sovereignty, 219,
equitable effort-sharing, 231
equitable engagement with IK systems,
ethical engagement with IK systems,
ethical uncertainty, 161
European Union
adoption of 2 °C target, 229
Green New Deal, 55
supporting a climate-neutral future, 254
experience, prior, with IPCC, 63
experts. See also authors; Lead Authors
‘fast-track procedures’, 25
in peer review, 97
private sector and civil society, 92
Extinction Rebellion, 249
extreme weather events
images, 241
Ezrahi, Yaron, 259
‘facts’, scientifc and diplomatic, 188
FAQs (frequently asked questions), 237
‘fast-track procedures’, 25
Final Government Distribution (FGD), 101
financial support
ECRs from developing nations, 75
IPCC from member governments, 80
IPCC influence on research funding, 111
framing of climate change
for public and media, 243
Fridays for Future movement, 55
Friends World Committee for Consultation, 91
Fry, I., 153
functionalist approach to participation, 92
Garard, J., 89,
GARP (Global Atmospheric Research Programme), 15
gatekeeping function of peer review, 98
Gay-Antaki, Miriam, 64,
GEAs (global environmental assessments)
diversity in, 70
Gender Task Force, IPCC, 69
GEO (Global Environment Outlook), 2
GHG (greenhouse gases)
emissions by country-income groups, 194
evolution scenarios, 137
Global Warming Potentials and, 228
social costs of emissions, 131
Gilbert, M., 180
‘global health risks’, 257
Global North and South
distribution of knowledge production, 265
Global Warming Policy Foundation, 251
globalisation of knowledge-making,
Goeminne, G., 182
Green New Deal (EU), 55
greenhouse gas indices, 110
Greenpeace, 92
Guidelines on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 40
Guterrez, A., 254
Hansson, A., 103
Harold, Jordan, xiii,
Heymann, Matthias, 132
A History of the Science and Politics of Climate Change: The Role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, by Bolin, 3, 87
human rights law, 123
hybrid events, 38
IAC (InterAcademy Council) review of IPCC procedures, 2010, 24, 26, 50, 54, 57, , 150, 161, 172, 250
IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium), 140,
ICC (Inuit Circumpolar Council), xii, xxiv, 116, 118,
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 120
synthesis report, 124
ICSU (International Council for Science, previously International Council of Scientific Unions), 15
IGY (International Geophysical Year, 1957–58), 14
IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development), xxiv
Imagined Communities, by Benedict Anderson, 258
Imagined Democracies, by Yaron Ezrahi, 259
‘inconvenient truths’, 270
Indigenous knowledge (IK),
equitable and ethical engagement,
expert review stage, 121
Indigenous knowledge holders, 92
key readings on, 124
possible definition, 118
Indigenous Peoples (IP)
incommensurable forms of knowledge, 176
indigenous academics, 124
land stewardship, 117
self organisation and rights, 123
integration of risk management,
integration, interdisciplinary. See also thematic bridges
previously lacking, 110
risk assessment framework, 175
intergovernmental cooperation, 14
intergovernmental status
constraining IPCC development, 270
government involvement, 11,
as non-prescriptive, 68
promoted by US, 16
International Conference on Climate Risk Management, 2017, 174
IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)
comparisons with IPCC, 257
Fellowship programme, 77
joint workshop with IPCC, 270
Rules of procedure for the plenary of the platform, 25
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
dearth of critical assessments, 3
major events in history of, 52
as a model, 4
‘IPCC space’, 32
‘irreducible vagueness’, 228
IS92a scenario, 145
Jannat, Raihanatul, 90n
Jaspal, R., 241
journals, peer review, 96
judgement uncertainty, 160
Keeling, Charles, 14
knowledge base, current, of IPCC, 116
knowledge claims, 256
knowledge production
distribution between Global North and South, 265
globalisation, 255
influence on public imagination, 257
organising co-production, 255
role of places, 28
knowledge systems, assumptions, 250
Kuwait, 195
Land Use report (Special Report on Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, SRLULUCF, 2000), 40, 44, 46
land use, neglect by IAMs, 111
boundary objects as a common language, 229
calibrated language and the IPCC,
of Indigenous Peoples, 118
‘level-of-understanding’ language, 162
Lead Authors (LAs)
competition, 72
publishing advantages, 113
reviews of ZODs, 99
role, 63
time pressure on, 100,
Leclerc, Olivier, xiii,
Lee, Hoesung, 44
legal status of IPCC procedures, 20
legitimacy of IPCC
NGO participation and, 94
‘level-of-understanding’ language, 162
Lindemer, August, xiv,
litigation, 195
Livingstone, D., 28
Lorenzoni, Irene, xiv,
LTGGs (long-term global goals), 45
Lynn, J., 243
MacDonald, Joanna Petrasek, xv
Marrakesh Accords, 153
Masson-Delmotte, V., 166
Mastrandrea, M. D., , , 168
the ‘Matthew effect’, 113
McMahon, R., , 243
meetings. See also conferences
defined, 35
frequency, 28
socialising, 35
venues, , 173
virtual meetings, , 38
member governments. See also plenary sessions
approval process,
delegations including indigenous peoples, 122
eligibility and numbers, 79
ownership of endorsed reports, 187
preventing discussion, 189
methodology decisions not deemed legitimate, 56
Miguel, Jean Carlos Hochsprung, xiv,
minority reports,
Monteiro, Marko,
Morseletto, P., 229
mortality risk, 152
multimedia use, 237
multi-model ensembles, 133
nation states and environental governance, 223
the national turn,
Nerlich, N., 241
Net Zero Watch, 251
‘neutral arbiter’ role, 232
New York City Panel on Climate Change, 270
NGOs (non-governmental organisations),
ICC as an example, xii
ICSU as an example, 15
initiatives from, 213
positions on carbon sinks, 153
types of NGO observer, 90
Nocke, T., 237
observer status, 122
ocean and cryosphere, Special Report on (SROCC, 2019), 41,
ocean circulation models, 128
OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), 89
online meetings, 27
ontological disputes, 151
Ozone Layer, Special Report on Safeguarding (SROC, 2005), 40
Paris Agreement, 2015, 44, See also Global Stocktake; post-Paris
allowing multiplicity of approaches, 269
AR5 WGIII SPM and, 194
the national turn,
requirement for NETs, 56
Paris Conference (COP21), 2015, 45
by developing countries, 87
number and length of interventions, 85
in peer review, 97
and perceived legitimacy, 264
underrepresented groups, 62
PBL (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), 143
Pearce, D., 152
‘performativity’ of forecasts, 202
permafrost, 185
Petrasek MacDonald, Joanna,
placeholder avatars, 66
plenary sessions
analysis of interventions, 85
attendance at first, 82
locations, 29
and organisational learning, 51
Unesco, 190
virtual, 32
Polar Regions Cross-chapter Paper, 122
policy context of reports, 43
‘policy-follower’ states, 223
political influence
as inescapable, 264
a new global politics, 254
process and outcome distinguished, 210
post-Paris context
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, 74
Principles governing IPCC work (1998–), , 63
procedural rules
hampering ethical engagement with IK systems, 120
as a model, 25
no guarantee of objectivity, 264
reports review process, 99
as a response to criticism, 23
revisions, 53
Protocol for Addressing Possible Errors…, 25
PRSQs (policy-relevant scientific questions), 199
public attitude shifts, 254,
public health risks from discoveries, 15
quality control work,
Regional Impacts of Climate Change, Special Report (1997), 40
Regions, Expert Meeting on Assessing Climate Information for, 175
Renewable Energy, Special Report on (2011), 41
reports, IPCC. See also Assessment Reports; Special Reports
accessibility, 241
changing policy context, 43
detachment form their authors, 249
expressing uncertainties, 159
full list for each assessment cycle,
inclusion of SPMs and TSs, 42
possibility of minority reports,
production process,
scenarios as ubiquitous, 137
schematic of preparation, 22
types of consensus statement, 182