Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Table of Contents
- Resilience: “Ordinary Magic,” Development of the Issues and Current Status of Research
- Support as an Existential Phenomenon and Experience of Relationships in a Phenomenological Perspective
- Personality, Resilience, and Stress as Predictors of Mental Health in Informal Partner Relationships
- Resiliency in Parents and Family System Profiles of Autistic Children Encompassing Social, Cultural, and Axiological Contexts
- Model of Working with Family in the Situation of Parental Separation: Diagnosis, Psychoeducation, Family Therapy
- Resilience, Social Functioning and Quality of Life Considerations as Found in the Narratives of High-Functioning Autistic Adults
- Coping with the Stress of Chronic Disease and the Occurrence of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Adolescents’ Well-Being at School in the Light of Psychology of Place
- School Climate: Teachers’ Perspective. A Report from a Study on Elementary Schools Faced with Poland’s Current Education Reform
- Montessori Learning Environment Beneficial for Awakening of Self-authoring Features
- About the authors
Personality, Resilience, and Stress as Predictors of Mental Health in Informal Partner Relationships
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 July 2022
- Frontmatter
- Table of Contents
- Resilience: “Ordinary Magic,” Development of the Issues and Current Status of Research
- Support as an Existential Phenomenon and Experience of Relationships in a Phenomenological Perspective
- Personality, Resilience, and Stress as Predictors of Mental Health in Informal Partner Relationships
- Resiliency in Parents and Family System Profiles of Autistic Children Encompassing Social, Cultural, and Axiological Contexts
- Model of Working with Family in the Situation of Parental Separation: Diagnosis, Psychoeducation, Family Therapy
- Resilience, Social Functioning and Quality of Life Considerations as Found in the Narratives of High-Functioning Autistic Adults
- Coping with the Stress of Chronic Disease and the Occurrence of Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Adolescents’ Well-Being at School in the Light of Psychology of Place
- School Climate: Teachers’ Perspective. A Report from a Study on Elementary Schools Faced with Poland’s Current Education Reform
- Montessori Learning Environment Beneficial for Awakening of Self-authoring Features
- About the authors
As nowadays the structure of early adult relationships is changing, more attention needs to be drawn to informal, intimate partners and their psychological functioning in the modern world. The pilot study aimed to compare personality, resilience, sense of stress, and mental health level between Polish early adult partners in intimate relationships as well as establish predictors of their mental health. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine mental health predictors in the APIM model. Participants were assessed by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the Resilience Assessment Scale, the Sense of Stress Questionnaire, and the General Health Questionnaire in Polish adaptation. Partners differ in three personality traits. Women present higher scores on agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. SEM analyses report partners’ sense of stress and female conscientiousness as significant predictors of partners’ mental health. The sense of stress performs the greatest influence on partners mental health. Resilience predicts mental health in both men and women. Greater potential of resilience as a protective factor is reported in female partners.
Keywords: intimate partners, resilience, mental health, sense of stress, personality
Osobowość, odporność psychiczna i stres jako predyktory zdrowia psychicznego u partnerów w związkach nieformalnych Streszczenie
W związku ze zmianami w strukturze bliskich relacji młodych dorosłych, na uwagę zasługują związki nieformalne i psychologiczne funkcjonowanie partnerów we współczesnym świecie. Celem pilotażowych badań było porównanie partnerów w bliskim związku nieformalnym w aspekcie osobowości, odporności psychicznej, poczucia stresu oraz zdrowia psychicznego, jak również ustalenia predykatorów ich zdrowia psychicznego. W tym celu zastosowano modelowanie równań strukturalnych w modelu APIM. W badaniu zostały wykorzystane narzędzia kwestionariuszowe Inwentarz Osobowości NEO-PI-R, Skala Pomiaru Prężności SPP-25, Kwestionariusz Poczucia Stresu KPS oraz Kwestionariusz Ogólnego Stanu Zdrowia GHQ-12. Wyniki wskazują na występowanie różnic pomiędzy partnerami w związkach w zakresie trzech cech osobowości. Partnerki prezentują wyższy poziom ugodowości, neurotyczności i otwartości na doświadczenie aniżeli ich partnerzy. Analizy SEM wskazują na dwustronne poczucie stresu oraz sumienność partnerki jako czynniki wpływające na zdrowie psychiczne partnerów. Poczucie stresu prezentuje najsilniejszy wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne partnerów w związkach nieformalnych. Odporność psychiczna wpływa na zdrowie psychiczne u obu partnerów w związku. Większy potencjał odporności psychicznej jako czynnika ochronnego stwierdzono u partnerek.
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Jagiellonian University PressPrint publication year: 2022